What's preventing YOU from stopping meeting attendance?

by nicolaou 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nicolaou

    We all 'exit' in our own way and at our own pace but I'm curious, why carry on stuffing yourself into that stiff suit and tie or meeting dress years after you realised the truth about 'The Truth'?

    They kept you a prisoner, what's stopping you from leaving now that you have the key to your own cell?

    Loved ones? if you really love them lead by example surely. Why prop up the old regime by placing your bum on the Kingdom Hall seat?

  • Bugbear

    Family reasons? ?

  • waton

    I want to see the faces, like last Sunday,- when more of the hilarious past doctrines get debunked.

  • Simon

    I can't even remember now if I knew at the time that the last meeting I went to was the last meeting I'd go to.

    It isn't even that they keep you prisoner. Everyone has a key to their own cell and can walk out anytime they want.

    We left because we loved our kids and didn't want them to be brought up indoctrinated. Someone has to have the tough job of leaving / being shunned etc... Rather me than them.


    We left because we loved our kids and didn't want them to be brought up indoctrinated. Someone has to have the tough job of leaving / being shunned etc..

    Rather me than them.....Simon

    Image result for thumbs up

  • the-Question

    They are still the only ones teaching the Truth- regardless of all the bloopers of the GB.

    However, I can't stand the 'Service Meeting' anymore- and only go on Sundays, sometimes.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath


    your avatar is just--so wrong. you seem to have your underpants on your head.

    inside out.

  • Simon

    I just like to carry round a spare pair, don't judge me.

  • StarTrekAngel

    Family. Wife is mostly awake but does not want to risk the idea that her mom or brother may no longer want to talk to her. As it is, her brother does not really see us much and we don't see them much.

    Her sister have stopped attending a long time ago. However, since they live out of town, my brother in law can pretend that he does not know what they are up to. So convenient, isn't it. But if my wife stopped attending, it would be seen by everyone in the congo. Sometimes I wish I could move.

    Teaching the truth? What truth? The only "truth" I would risk believing out of a JW meeting is the attendance count for the day.

  • slimboyfat

    My JW friend told me that I'm "bad association" unless I attend at least one meeting a month. So I guess that's my quota now.

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