Can someone compare the midweek meeting now to what it was say in the 60`s - 80`s ?

by smiddy3 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NOWinthetruth

    I grew up in the JWs, my Dad was an elder. There were two mid-week meetings; a 1-hour on Tuesday night, and a 2-hour on Thursday night. Sunday was a 2-hour meeting, and of course FS every week. All content provided/discussed was always strictly from The Society's publications, and any actual additional discussion or personal comments were forbidden and would be nixed immediately, with the nearest elder quickly sidelining such off-topic "apostasy". Today, 50+ years later, meetings sound identical. Whether content disseminated by the CULT is old-school heavy publications or today's iPads, the content is still intended to wash brains and keep the congregation docile and gullible. Run to your nearest exit, taking what's left of your brain wish you!

  • NOWinthetruth

    *WITH* you

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