DESTROYING the Governing Body’s claim of authority

by TerryWalstrom 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    Though seemingly distancing themselves from fiscal control and authority, whilst in reality still holding the purse strings, it is their spiritual authority that is most shaky.

    "“The faithful and discreet slave” was appointed over Jesus’ domestics in 1919. That slave is the small, composite group of anointed brothers serving at world headquarters during Christ’s presence who are directly involved in preparing and dispensing spiritual food. When this group work together as the Governing Body, they act as “the faithful and discreet slave.”" 10th Nov 2012

    1919 as an appointment of anybody by Jesus just has not one shred of real proof.

  • TerryWalstrom

    1919 is a revoked teaching.

    It is done. Gone.

    Old Light.

    Now it is set as a future event.

  • leaving_quietly

    1919 is a revoked teaching.

    Nope, this isn't revoked, unless it's been revoked since March of this year. Per the March, 2016 WT, Questions From Readers:

    Then, in 1919, Jesus appointed “the faithful and discreet slave” over God’s cleansed people to give them spiritual “food at the proper time."

    Per previous explanations (from late 2012 onward), this appointment is only over the "domestics" while the appointment over "all my belongings" is still future. Phizzy is correct with this one.

    1919 as an appointment of anybody by Jesus just has not one shred of real proof.

    Yes, I agree.

  • TheWonderofYou

    What happened with the teaching that in 1919 a new nation was born?
    In Cedar point, September 1919 a talk was given about "A new nation is born", by John E. Barr i think.
    Further the "golden age" magazin released.

    Later 1925 in Watchtower appeard the below cited article abouth the new nation, the 40 years of harvest
    had ended 1918.

    So in 1919 after Rutherford's and co left the US-jail they became the new nation and accumulated

    all power quasi like appointed over the household.

    "The nations spent their anger on each other in the great war and until they were exhausted. Following 1918 the devil's organization, financial, political and ecclesiastical, particularly the latter, openly repudiated the Lord and his kingdom; and then and there the wrath of God against the nations began to be expressed. Prom that time forward the battle has gone on in the earth. Prior to that the battle was fought in heaven.
    In 1918 and 1919 Zion suffered still more, and
    there may yet still be more sufferings to endure.
    "Mark how the facts fit the prophecy : "Before she
    travailed, she brought forth ; before her pain came, she
    was delivered of a man chOd. Who hath heard such a
    thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth
    be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation
    be horn at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she
    brought forth her children." (Isaiah 66:7,8) Be it
    noted here that from 1874 until 1918 there was little,
    if any, persecution of those of Zion ; that beginning with
    the Jewish year 1918, to wit, the latter part of 1917
    our time, the great suffering came upon the anointed
    ones, Zion, Prior to 1914 she was in pain to be
    delivered, greatly desiring the kingdom; but the real
    travail came later. This is the first great wonder ap-
    pearing in heaven,
    'Voices symbolize proclamations of truth. Let the
    anointed bear witness as to whether or not there hnva
    been great truths come to light, and a wider proclama-
    tion of truth throughout the earth since 1919 than at
    any time previous. The reader is referred to the an-
    nual reports of the Society published for 192:S and
    1924; and this proclamation of the truth has caused
    much thunderings of the enemy. There have been dis-
    turbances amongst them; and there has been a great
    hail storm falling upon them in the nature of proclamations, indictments etc.
    All from Watchtower 1925.
  • Crazyguy

    It would have been a lot easier if Jesus had written some stuff down himself.

  • Vidiot

    Dodging legal accountablilty whilst tightening internal authority...

    ...yeah, no way that'll ever come back to bite 'em on the ass...

  • Lieu

    Well, there's no proof to any of the GB's claims; never has been. It's pretty much all "because I say so" with nothing to back it up. Simply self appointment.

    Faithful and discreet Slave - because I said I am

    God's channel of communication - because I said I am

    Christ's substitutes - because I said I am

    (G)aurdians (O)f (D)octrine - because I said I am

    Glorious Ones - because I said I am

    Don't question about it me either.

    They are 'end times' fenatics. Their message is strictly doom and gloom. There's no light load, rest, or peace with end timers. A lot of drinking tho'.

    Over 100 years of wild speculation on a worldwide scale leading to the flagrant destruction of their memberships' lives. From the rebranding of the failed 1914, to Rutherford's failed 1925, to Fred Franz failed 1975 (yes, Fred himself gave the Feb 1975 Convention address in LA's Sports Arena espousing that crazy mess) ... then blaming the false prophesy whooplah on low members errant "expectations".

    They began that way and will end that way. It works for them.

  • BluesBrother

    Hmm. It seems to me that they can get away with saying anything, changing anything and the faithful just meekly accept it. The dubs I know do not pretend to know everything or understand it all anymore. Back in the day , as young eager beavers we would thrash out the points of the prophetic explanations - it was fascinating to us. Now they just shrug and let it all pass by........

    In Terry's excellent writing :

    "The Judge’s desperation to hold Bible Students in thrall is reflected in the fact this hinged on a brand new False Prophecy with an end date of 1925 in mind."

    Karl Klein's comments : W/tower 84 10/1 p24

    Regarding his misguided statements as to what we could expect in 1925, he once confessed to us at Bethel, “I made an ass of myself.”

    So there you had it....a massive worldwide campaign just written off as the President being silly!.....and we are supposed to believe that this organization is directed by Holy Spirit?

  • TerryWalstrom
    leaving_quietly2 days ago

    1919 is a revoked teaching.

    Nope, this isn't revoked, unless it's been revoked since March of this year. Per the March, 2016 WT, Questions From Readers:

    Then, in 1919, Jesus appointed “the faithful and discreet slave” over God’s cleansed people to give them spiritual “food at the proper time."

    Per previous explanations (from late 2012 onward), this appointment is only over the "domestics" while the appointment over "all my belongings" is still future. Phizzy is correct with this one.


    I stand corrected, leaving__quietly. I was way too inclusive in the way I made that absolute statement. Probably a couple of months back I would have said it more carefully. I seem to be entering the twilight of my sanity.

    The Bible and the Great Commission are only for the anointed as we all know. When the Watchtower was arrogating unto themselves the ownership of the non-anointed, they used that as Authority to manhandle and abuse the rank and file. They can still do that to the anointed :)

  • Vanderhoven7

    Historical summary and commentary appreciated. Thanks

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