Do You Think “Normal” Is Ever Going To Happen Again?

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • pistolpete

    I don’t like the public service announcement/pep talks I’m hearing! They’re telling people that even if they’re vaccinated they should still mask and socially distance because of ‘variants spreading’, etc. have long felt that with this very massive vaccine campaign..this should at least greatly reduce or end the danger of the virus

    The three Pharma companies providing the vaccine are not willing to provide the vaccine in the colder areas because they know the vaccine is not reducing Covid deaths in cold areas.. They are only providing the vaccine in places where it is warming up. The reason is because the Flu virus normally subsides in the spring and summer and starts wrecking havoc as the days get colder.

    Covid deaths are subsiding because the weather is getting warmer.

    Also the vaccine does not prevent Covid just like the flu shot does not prevent the flu. All the vaccine does is lessens the blow of Covid. For the elderly and those with some type of Comorbidity, then the vaccine might be a way to lessen the blow for such a person so as to continue living for another year or two. If the Comorbidity is bad, like cancer, then the person will die and they will list the cause of death as the Covid virus.

    Right now there is different opinions by experts on how long the vaccine is good for. Some say it is only good for 8 months, others say it can last for years if you are young and strong with no underline health conditions.

    Well excuse me, because without the vaccine a young healthy person can live till his 90s without the vaccine.

    See my post here

  • Phizzy

    Back to what we used to call " Normal" ? I hope not.

    Yes, I hope we will be Covid virus free at some point, but the many things that have been highlighted by the pandemic as being so very wrong with Society I hope are noted, and acted upon, and that we do not return to what were in reality , bad old days.

    The fact that front line health workers, and many more that are seen as more lowly, are in fact the most important people in Society, and should be payed accordingly. That a functioning universal Free at the Point of Access Health System is vital. Minor things, like, working from Home is possible for so many, the daily commute unnecessary.

    More important things have been underlined too, like how easily lies and conspiracy theories take hold, and the truth gets ever harder to find. How Capitalism in a largely unregulated form does not work for anyone but the 1%, and the great need there is for a Universal Basic Income and for strong Unions to bring about fair wages.

    We need to build a new Normal that works for the Many Not The Few.

  • slimboyfat

    In a couple of months we will have near enough 100% first doses in the UK. Then we can be back to normal pretty rapidly. People agitating for return to normal immediately, not willing to wait a few more weeks until the numbers are right down, are just stupid. We are nearly there. Why risk another upturn in infections for the sake of a few more weeks?

    Israel have vaccinated nearly 100% of their population with at least one dose, and their infections and deaths are down to very small numbers and they can now return to normal. That’s what we can all do soon.

  • mynameislame

    I read a newspaper article years ago with the headline "The act of vandalism that saved my life". (Yes an actual newspaper. That's how long ago it was)

    Turns out the guy threw out his television set and was never happier.

    And this was long before there were only two opinions (yours and the right one)

    (not sure what I was replying too here)

  • WTWizard

    Masks, "social(??)" distancing, mandatory Type I Diabetes shots, RFID chips, serfdom, absolute political correctness, total slavery--that is the new normal. Eventually, the reptilians (who do not deserve this planet) can move in on us, and they will then take the rest of the galaxy, as well as all others nearby and eventually the whole universe.

    All made possible because people donated their spiritual energy through that bible, praying to that bogus jesus thing (or its worthless father), and attending church (the boasting sessions, in person or in zoom, count as "church"). As for me, if I never see another bible again (except as a reminder of what stupidity can lead to), it will be too soon.

  • minimus

    This morning my girlfriend’s son in law got confirmation that he too has the Covid virus. Both he and his wife got the 2 shots more than 6 weeks ago and still got the virus.... but of course they are saying had they not gotten the shots they might have had to be hospitalized or even die.....yeah right.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Only in RED Cities and States

  • MeanMrMustard
    How Capitalism in a largely unregulated form does not work for anyone but the 1%, and the great need there is for a Universal Basic Income and for strong Unions to bring about fair wages.

    Capitalism works for everyone, especially the poorest. If you are poor, goods at a lower price is exactly what you want. You need more production so that supply increases and a higher standard of living becomes available.

    What doesn’t work is government distortions in the market. They *look like* market failures, but it’s the intervention that causes the problem. There are some incompetent people in the world, but the most incompetent idiot looks like a genius when compared to government bureaucracy.

  • Vidiot


    One of the conclusions I came to during the course of my WTexit was that - like “perfection” - “normal” is subjective.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    The fact that front line health workers, and many more that are seen as more lowly, are in fact the most important people in Society, and should be payed accordingly - front line health staff have had a 1% pay rise at a time when other public sector staff have had a pay freeze, and many private sector staff have lost their jobs. Let's put it in perspective, please.

    Minor things, like, working from Home is possible for so many, the daily commute unnecessary - this isn't minor. Many small and big businesses are reliant on the daily commute.

    How Capitalism in a largely unregulated form does not work for anyone but the 1% - it's thanks to capitalist profit that the UK has ordered so many vaccine doses, with half of all adults now protected from the disease.

    Capitalism is saving lives in the UK, whereas EU ideology is leading to many unnecessary deaths on the continent.

    By all means criticise capitalism's faults, but let's praise the good stuff capitalism does for everyone.

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