Bringing children into this System of Things.

by Nihilistic Journey 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nihilistic Journey
    Nihilistic Journey

    Before I left a number of years ago I remember getting bombarded with the message that we shouldn't have children as it wasn't fair to them. They would have to grow as conditions got worse during the end. Is there anything in the literature or was this just through talks. Anyone else remember this thought and has it continued past the time I left 20 years ago?


  • ToesUp

    They don't really say too much about it anymore. Although, we have not been to the hall in 3 years. New light may be in play (who knows).

    I remember years back they had a talk, "responsible child bearing." After the talk was given, it seemed like we saw more pregnant sisters than ever. lol

    Now we see many couples in their 50's who thought the new system would be here and forfeited having kids. Now I believe they regret it.

    Thanks WT! Just another rule/opinion from Mother.

  • Darkknight757

    The wife and I never planned to have children in "this system". Seeing so many people having kids now makes me happy. I imagine perhaps they see that this world is going to last a long time and they don't want to live a life of regret like many old timer have by not having kids.

    People at our current hall feel it is a complete waste of time to have children now seeing as "the end is so close." Sad that they listen to the dribble that comes from watchtower.

  • ToesUp

    Having kids is the best decision we made. We couldn't imagine our lives without them. Is it worth the challenges? Hell yeah!

    I find it sad that so many couples, that would have made wonderful parents, skipped that part of their lives because a bunch of out of touch with reality old men said so. It truly is sad!

  • Darkknight757
    Toes, that's awesome you didn't get caught up in all the end times crap and start a family. The wife and I are going to try again in June with the doctors ok.
  • ToesUp


    I wish you ALL the best! Keep us posted.

  • rebelfighter
    I know for a fact that the "Elder" was hopping MAD at his son and dil because just before our blow up my son, his son, and my best gf daughter all announced within 1 week that all 3 of us were going to all be grandparents again. His comment was how could they possibly consider doing this when we are so close to the end of this system. Oh he was so mad, he ranted on and on. That was when he was also ranting continually about Satan like every other word. It was becoming obnoxious. These 3 kids are about to turn 2 years old. The end is Soooo soon. Just around the next corner. Yeap, said that 140 years ago too.
  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Not much is said directly anymore, but certainly implied.


  • steve2

    After the 1975 fiasco, there was a baby boom among New Zealand JW (married) women - it was striking and Halls throughout this country were dominated by the sounds of clucking women and crying babies.

    I remember I estimated that if every single child born to JW mothers in that period had remained in the organization, active JWs would have more than doubled in less than ten years. It's interesting that the number of active JWs in NZ has hovered around 13,000 to 14,000 for well over 10 years.

  • ToesUp
    Just another JW rule. It's none of their business if we have kids, go to college, buy a home, buy a car and the million other things that they say you can't do. Those things are NOT outlined in the scriptures. What a bunch of judgmental busy bodies.

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