In my country the preaching work is over

by cookiemaster 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Longlivetherenegades

    Well they have stopped knocking for six months, is the end here?

  • LetTheTruthBeKnown

    If the Bible and Prophecy is true.

    The scripture at Daniel 12:11 says "And from the time that the regular burnt offering is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be 1,290 days. 12Blessed is he who waits and arrives at the 1,335 days."

    The WT calls the "regular burnt offering" (constant feature). I think it means service (door to door).

    The Constant Feature (the witnessing work) has essentially come to a halt in March.

    1290 days = 3.5 years (360 day year) – so around August/September 2023.

    So is the U.S. election the catalyst that will cause the end of the Anglo-American World Power and the rise of the 8th King. Time will soon tell.

  • Phizzy

    " Time will soon tell." yes, time will tell anyone who follows such a silly appreciation of what the Bible Books are, that nothing from them is going to come true, simply because they were not prophesying about our day, the writers were merely writing for the people of the time in which they wrote.

  • smiddy3

    LTTBK will likely deny he/she even said that around August-September 2023 and hope nobody remembers it ever being said.

    And there never ever has been an Anglo-American World power ?

    Typical of a JW always looking into the future and never living in the present.

  • steve2

    One of the main kingdom halls in Christchurch, New Zealand, hasn't been open for meetings since March - even though the country moved back into level 1 in July following the highest level 4 when meetings were not allowed. What gives that they still don't use kingdom halls months later?

  • Earnest

    steve2 : What gives that they still don't use kingdom halls months later?

    In a June 2020 letter to the Bodies of Elders in the UK they wrote:

    Regardless of direction from secular authorities, the Kingdom Hall should not be used for any meetings until further direction is received from the branch office. This applies even if the secular authorities begin to ease certain restrictions in the near future. Adjustments by the secular authorities do not automatically mean there are adjustments to theocratic activities. If the body of elders believes there is an exceptional need to use the Kingdom Hall, such as for a judicial committee, a funeral, or a wedding, two elders should call the Service Department and explain the recommendation of the body of elders.

    I expect this policy holds true in NZ too.

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