In my country the preaching work is over

by cookiemaster 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cookiemaster
    The JWs in my country can't preach to anyone these days and they're going crazy. I live in Romania and initially during the COVID-19 lockdown they were very enthusiastic about preaching. They've since held daily "field service meetings" on Zoom. They wrote letters to all kinds of people and pestered them with phone calls. The elders found online phone books and assigned territories. They would bother strangers in very awkward unwanted phone calls asking their moronic JW questions. People didn't take kindly to being constantly bothered with phone calls from strangers, so they threatened the websites that published their phone numbers to sue.

    In the EU there are various laws, like GDPR, that regulate breaking privacy and using other people's personal information very strictly. Publishing someone's phone number without their consent is basically illegal. Giving them unwanted phone calls repeatedly and bothering them is illegal. Writing them unsolicited letters is illegal. Having a conversation and broadcasting that private conversation on Zoom without consent is also illegal. JWs were basically breaking the law and people have had enough after months of being harassed.

    Now, the preaching work is basically gone. Those websites with phone registries were taken down. They aren't allowed to write letters to strangers anymore. They can't call strangers anymore. Even their friends and families have had enough of their 'preaching' work after months of daily calls on religious matters. Now the CO is encouraging them to do pioneering, but they don't have anyone to preach to and they're going crazy. It's quite hilarious! Anything similar happen in your country? I expect similar things happening in most European countries.
  • Overrated

    It is the same here in the US. They pretend to do preaching work but not really. Very comical to see it and a huge waste of time as usual.

  • cookiemaster

    @Overrated Good to hear. I wonder what the baptisms number will be this year. It will probably be abysmally low. The preaching work has become a bunch of chit chat coffee drinking sessions on Zoom from what I've seen. My parents are acting like it's such important work but they rarely even manage to have a half-decent phone conversation with anyone.

  • carla
  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i think its packed up here in the UK. i never see any strolling along slowly door to door. kingdom halls are chained and padlocked.

    its great. long may it continue.

  • cookiemaster

    @stan I think the Governing Body has banned in person preaching for now. At least formal preaching. Since they can't bother people on the phone or through letters either, I guess their only remaining option will be to spam the internet with their 'preaching', but that's more difficult to do well for them as most are old and computer illiterate.

  • greenhornet

    We are at the end of the end. The final seconds before the great tribulation. The work has been completed.

  • Overrated

    In the " last of the last of last days" very funny how now no activity because of covid and their numbers dropping.

  • DesirousOfChange
  • WTWizard

    That is one thing they can continue holding on lockdown, forever. All church activity is detrimental to the freedom of the whole planet, even without this virus (which is, itself, not much worse than a cold). Every time someone goes to church, they are helping with the global enslavement. They are helping provide energy for mandatory coronavirus (and flu) shots, RFID chips, and still having the stupid masks required even after everyone gets their mandatory gene-altering coronavirus shot. Every time someone opens that bible, they are also helping society go in that direction.

    I feel that the most important thing one can do, not just for the coronavirus but for all the problems that this has caused, is to get rid of that bible (and quran) and stop going to church altogether. No Zoom church, no nothing. These churches also provide energy for the financial disaster that is coming, a famine, World War III, and race wars that make a crime out of being white or supporting white people. (Black and Asians also suffer, from being further degraded and enslaved.) If that's the world you wish to live in, go ahead and keep reading that bible and going to church.

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