What is the Psychological agenda of the Watchtower Corporation enacted through its publications ?

by Finkelstein 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    Basically its to get people to believe in the things they say and proclaim.

    Once people are in a believable mental state and acceptance, then the WTS can control people's thoughts, emotions and actions through acts of repetitive indoctrination.

    This all comes together by instilling the notion that their interpretation of the bible is the correct and accurate one. Add in the notion of following us you'll be more righteous in the eyes of god , thereby offering a better chance of survival at the soon to come Armageddon.

    Everything connects in a cohesive self supporting way and subconsciously effects the thoughts and social behavior of all those being indoctrinated.

    Constantly pointing out the many evils of the outside secular world or other religions as "false" but how one can gain true happiness when inside this organization is their way to sustain devoted members.

    Stating that one can gain further righteous approval by participating in Jehovah's will and purpose by being an acting publisher or pioneer.

    After all this is God's chosen organization so the leaders of the WTS. say ........or is it ?

  • moreconfusedthanever

    This is what troubles me. For what purpose? I find myself wondering if the GB believe all they say and are also just misled? I can't get my head around why they want to control people they will never know or meet.

  • Finkelstein

    Its the structure of the organization, the people who live off the proceeds of the WTS. including the GB members.

    If you were to put yourself in a position that your lifestyle or living depended solely on a operating organization, you would probably support it adamantly as well too.

    You could say the GB members are devoted to themselves for themselves and the many others that are living off the WTS..

  • Chook

    FEAR is their main agenda.

  • flipper

    It's about WT leaders maintaining year after year ultimate control of JW's minds, bodies, actions, finances , and lives. In this fashion as Ted Jaracz once stated that, " the needs of the organization are more important than the individual needs of the ' brothers ' and ' sisters ' . "

    WT leaders know EXACTLY what they are doing to further the financial corporate WT organization that's been in existence since 1879. It has become a corporate real estate company taking over kingdom halls while masquerading and pretending to be a religion that claims to have something of " value " to offer it's members - when in fact it has nothing it can offer it's members but failed predictions and man made rules to further it's own corporate needs. This is the WT Society in a nutshell. Also it's a criminal organization masquerading as a religion. But that's a whole other topic which explains things further

  • flipper

    And like Chook stated, WT leaders use that fear and guilt to maintain that ultimate control over JW's lives. Disgusting and unethical

  • sparrowdown

    The power and control that WT exerts on the members is inexcusable, there is nothing to justify this level of interference to adherence over the personal lives of believers. Apart from creating a captive audience (customer base) for life, along with the lives of successive generations, I cannot think of a single reason that any group could justify this level of psychological manipulation and control over its members.

  • Finkelstein

    Good comments all and I'd like to add you defined well the inherent corruption of this organization mixed in with some ignorance concerning bible theology.

    The reality is this organization was built up from novice bible theologians such as Russell and Rutherford.

    This is the most likely reason it had to implement a shunning doctrine and a watchful eye on to all of its practicing adherents.

    Walk the walk, talk the talk or get out.

  • Finkelstein

    You could say now that the WTS/JWS organization is a modern day Faithful and Discreet False prophet.

  • OnTheWayOut
    This all comes together by instilling the notion that their interpretation of the bible is the correct and accurate one. Add in the notion of following us you'll be more righteous in the eyes of god , thereby offering a better chance of survival at the soon to come Armageddon.


    Although many beliefs teach, "We are right and others are wrong," Watchtower literature has really gone to the extreme of taking scripture snippets to seem to prove their doctrine is right and JW's have a better understandibg than anyone else.

    The average JW is mainly only interested in being right about holidays or military service ir blood or whatever, and showing up anyone in disagreement.

    It now seems to me that they do this so that when they want to push their agenda with no real scriptural backing, members are so accustomed to them providing elaborate proofs and they stop checking those reference scriptures. So they just tack on those "obey the slave" or "light-brighter" references and it is accepted.

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