The March JW broadcast, presented by paedophile enabler Geoffery Jackson

by jambon1 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton
    is there a link?
  • Dagney

    Uh boy. I watched about 10 minutes. I feel like if this was broadcast in a KH the whole place would be snoozing in a matter of minutes.

    I wonder how these videos are really received by the congregations. My brother, an elder/COBE, raves about them. But I think he's trying to convince me...or possibly himself...I'll never really know.

  • Naoscillator
    I literally fell asleep within ten minutes. Ol' Geoff needs to work on his enthusiasm.
  • Fisherman

    the scriptures suggest that the bread passed around at the last supper was not the unleavened matzoh of the Jewish Passover

    Wow! I also read somewhere that too that Jesus was not really Jewish but gypsy, american indian, black, hispanic, Irish and that is probably why he did not like Jewish bread. I also read somewhere that they had pizza for passover and that is where pizza originated from (the round one not the square one)

  • skin
    Within 30 sec from the start he says "Have you ever felt frustrated with other people, I know I have". Is he still thinking about the ARC?
  • prologos
    Fisherman: "Jesus was not really Jewish but gypsy, american indian, black, hispanic, Irish , yeah I remember, in the 30s, a tale that he was not from Jerusalem/Bethlehem, but that he was from the North, therefore blond, blue-eyed like a perfekt uebermensch from Scandinavia. With a birthplace like Beth-Lehem, he should have known his bread though, the unleavened dough.
  • TheOldHippie

    "So now they want the sisters to make the bread???? Store bought isn't good enough??"

    Not exactly NOW, as descriptions of how to bake the bread have been given for decades in the WT, so there is no use for four question marks as if this is something new. Store bought? I don't think I have ever come across a store that has passover bread. No doubt they have it in specialized stores, but my guess is they are rather scarce.

  • BluesBrother
    Store bought? I don't think I have ever come across a store that has passover bread. No doubt they have it in specialized stores, but my guess is they are rather scarce.

    Jewish Matzoh bread was always acceptable for the Memorial emblems, as long as it was original plain variety. That is readily available, in the U K anyway. When I conducted The Memorial one year I bought a packet in the local supermarket

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I just tune out when hubby plays anything from the Org's site.

    It all sounds the same as in the KH: Blah, blah, blah....


  • Vidiot

    Fisherman - "... I also read somewhere that too that Jesus was not really Jewish but gypsy, american indian, black, hispanic, Irish..."

    LOL! Anybody but Jewish...


    ...'cause that would suggest that First-Century "Christianity" might be merely a form of...

    * gasp *



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