The Debate Is Over...

by JW_Rogue 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Xanthippe

    Phew when you put this topic of whether Jesus existed under personal experiences and reunions I thought you were about to declare your divinity.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Well thank you Rogue for pointing this out; that Jesus is the first accredited fictional character to actually come to life and start breathing. Astounding news!

    Surely if it is written in the hallowed columns of “Awake” magazine, simply put: it must be the definitive last word on the subject...however long or short the explanation.

    (Alternatively is it possible that it's just a teensy piece of thoughtless stale rehash of baseless propaganda cranked out from the Watchtower sausage machine?)

    I wonder?

  • truth_b_known

    Correct me if I am wrong, please, but my understanding is the the only writings of Jesus are the gospel accounts. Those same gospel accounts were also written decades after the events they describe took place.

  • Vidiot

    Well, that settles it.

    I was starting to have doubts, but in the space of 4 pages, the WTS was able to set me straight.

    What a relief.

  • slimboyfat

    Ha ha that's so true. I saw this article. It goes nowhere near touching the contemporary debate on the issue. Or the debate at any time for that matter. It's just a collection of vaguely relevant quotes. Sad to think many JWs don't even realise how inadequate it is.

  • steve2

    Lets be honest, where do they get their information for their articles? From other religious leaders, it's not like they have a research team digging in the ruins of Egypt, WT scholars researching ancient scrolls

    Yes, James. The findings favored by JW organization are from the "pick and choose" school of "research". Cherry pick the partial quotes that appear to support your beliefs, whilst ignoring the major research findings that do not support your beliefs.

  • slimboyfat

    To be honest I doubt they even ventured onto the Internet to research this magazine. They probably searched the Watchtower library cut and paste. I'd be curious to know if there is any quote used in this article that they've not already used in the literature in the past.

    The quality of the literature is so feeble it is depressing.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    steve2: we must not forget, remember the brother who did his research in the house of the Wild Beast (UN), and when it came to light the sh--t hit the fan. His research in the UN library, in Satan's house. LOL

  • Vanderhoven7

    Hmmm...I thought Christians were supposed to turn the other cheek at verbal abuse.

  • nicolaou
    Christians are supposed to do a lot of things Vanderhoven, including giving an answer to everyone who asks you to explain the hope that you have (1 Peter 3:15), a Christian obligation I've found you routinely ignore.

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