Is the 'growth™' still being hyped?

by punkofnice 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • punkofnice

    When I was a member of watchtower corporation, I regularly heard how it must be the true religion because of the growth. (Phenomenal, apparently).

    I wonder if they still hang onto this? Has it been boasted about at meetings recently? If so, has it been mentioned as a personal view by rank and file, or has the corporation been boasting?

    How true is it?

  • OneEyedJoe
    When I left a year ago they definitely still were.
  • crazy_flickering_light
    There was a study article I think at the beginning of 2016 or end 2015 which mention senseless facts and that the growth is god blessed. (I'm only on my phone, can't research at the moment.)It was stupid, but yes, the GB stuck to the lie of rising numbers.
  • sir82

    When it suits their purposes, yes.

    For example, they are constantly pleading for more, more, MORE money. Why? "Because there is such a need for new Kingdom Halls!"

    Meanwhile, construction has ground to a near-complete halt.

    Or, for example, they mention 260,000 baptized in the past year. "That's 2600+ congregations! There is a desperate need for more elders! Reach out!"

    But they somehow always forget to mention 100's of thousands of deaths, disfellowshippings, and fades to inactivity, not to mention that likely well over half of the new baptisms are kids of believers who have already been members of a congregation for 10-15 years.

  • humblepotato


    This weeks mid-week meeting features a video called Sail Amsterdam which hypes peoples reception to the "truth" in that area and how hard the brothers are working to keep up with the growth.

  • Vidiot

    They pretty much have to, no matter what.

    "Growth" has always been the barometer they used to demonstrate that God's got their back.

  • WingCommander

    "Growth" is always hyped, because it's positive. "Decline" would be negative, and might send up a red flag for anyone with half a brain.

    Scientology does the exact same thing; perpetually peddling "growth" as proof of their Org.

    Funny, Scientology was always referring to themselves in "Organizational" terms, and now it seems the WatchTower has done the same. It's the Org this, and the Org that. Really sickening and creepy, especially if you studied anything about Scientology. (in relation to it being a cult)


    Is the 'growth™' still being hyped?

    .Image result for Urban legend logo

    ................Image result for jehovahs witness logo

    ..........................Are The Fastest Growing Religion In The World!..


    Which can be Confirmed by Asking any Jehovah`s Witness..

    "What is the Fastest Growing Religion In The World?"


    ...................................Image result for Thats just stupid

  • Finkelstein

    The JW religion in itself is a very slow growing religion in comparison to other Christian based faiths and when its realized that the JWS have been proselytizing for over100 years to people's doors, that number becomes even more abysmal.

    Why does a religion that sold itself so much fail to allure followers, when it also publishes so many pieces of literature which is brought directly to people's doors preaching ?

    The short answer to that might be they smell a fraud a commercialized fraud

  • millie210

    The Org is attempting to spin straw in to gold with statistics.

    Attempting being the operative word.

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