The problem of sex (or why I'm not an atheist)

by EdenOne 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vidqun
    if we were deliberately designed by a deity, he'd be an unsupervised six-year-old with ADD who'd gotten ahold of his dad's tools

    No, I'm afraid an unsupervised six-year old will not make the grade. Not even a sixty year old will. This cannot be called circular reasoning either, just plain stupid.

  • Finkelstein

    Biological evolution is the very reason we can now read, talk and write are expressive thoughts, that still doesn't mean a grand supernatural deity created us and the universe.

  • Finkelstein

    Oh by the way sexual procreation is a part of that evolutionary process.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    @vidquin This cannot be called circular reasoning either, just plain stupid.

    ...why my reasoning is not circular reasoning, because I say it's not.

  • cofty

    Please contrast and compare two posts containing specific and detailed information about the origin of sexual reproduction here and here with Vidqun's vacuous preaching above.

  • Vidqun

    Cofty, it's easy to put individual processes into words, then using connectives to put them all together. It's a completely different matter demonstrating the overlapping and/or merging of these processes in real life. I would be interested to see it demonstrated from A-Z.

    So, one would have to start by demonstrating the spontaneous generation of living organisms from inanimate matter. From there one would have to demonstrate how these basic life forms, through what you call cell fusion, segregation and recombination, would be forming multi-celled organisms. Yes, endosymbiosis could be demonstrated in existing life forms, but how about demonstrating it all the way (from single cell to multiple celled organisms to complex life forms).

    Now to show how these multi-celled organisms would create in themselves specialized functions in order for them to evolve into complex life forms. Complex life forms would then be adapting the processes of mitoses and meiosis, differentiating themselves into multiple sexes. And if scientists would succeed in such a feat, to put it all together and demonstrating it in a lab, they would be called gods, being able to create life.

    I don't think the above would ever happen. Here I should add, finding basic life forms, or even the remains of life (i.e., fossils), on other planets, e.g., Mars, would help your cause no end. I predict they will find no life at all. So we will have to wait and see.

  • cofty
    I'm yet to read evidence of HOW organisms went from asexual reproduction to sexual. - Eden

    So Eden what say you now?

  • A Ha
    A Ha
    Vidqun -- it's easy to put individual processes into words, then using connectives to put them all together. It's a completely different matter demonstrating the overlapping and/or merging of these processes in real life. I would be interested to see it demonstrated from A-Z.
    I would love to see each and every step demonstrated, as well. While we're at it, why don't we create a big bang and watch a universe undergo inflation then expansion, etc. Unfortunately we don't have this available to us right now, and some things we probably never will.
    I'm not really applying the following to you, since I'm not active enough to know your story or personal theolgy, but what I find interesting about people who say they won't believe in XYZ (abiogenesis, the Big Bang, etc.,) is that they're often very selective in which issues they demand such complete proof for. When people start demanding proof, step-by-step and in excruciating detail, I'll often say, "I'm not sure how much detail you want, so why don't you tell me how God did it, and I'll use exactly as much detail to explain how it happened naturally."
  • snare&racket


    if one organism is relying on mistakes in its DNA replication to produce diversity, it will happen but at a slower rate than two organisms sharing DNA and forming a third DNA code. The increase in mistakes/diversity is huge and therefore the likelihood of adapting to your environment increased.

    All things we do and depend on to survive, provide us with a chemical reward and sex is one of them, if not the strongest. An organism that released less reward after sex than another would be less in actual number size and less diverse.

  • EdenOne
    So Eden what say you now?

    I'm inclined to say that there is substantial circumstantial evidence supporting the transition to sex differentiation and sexual reproduction in the early stages of life than I previously knew of. The fact that there are examples in observable nature NOW that may give us clues as to how the process might have evolved THEN, in a very remote past, offers powerful clues on how simple organisms might have adopted sexual reproduction. Still, it doesn't quite explain how very complex organisms developed fully distinct yet necessarily complementary reproductive apparel.

    Mind you, this won't tip the scale towards Intelligent Design. It's infinitely more complicated the assumption of an intelligent creator behind the process than the process driving itself.

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