Though this story may sound extream, I do remember that there was a brother that shaved his head as he was bolding and back in the 80s/90s. Even if he was a good guy and all, I remember he was frowned upon. Then, around the year 2000 where Bruce Willis started to shave his hair. All of a sudden, several respected brothers started doing it. It was ok now.
Before cutting my hair my witness barber had to check with Bethel...really? Not a cult?
by Witness 007 18 Replies latest jw experiences
road to nowhere
Why pay a barber? How about fonzie haircuts?
Those comb overs do look good in the wind.
Dont forget the guys wuth actinic keratosis that dont get it treated
I always said that Witnesses needed to be told what shoe to put on first.
This is the whole collective idiot mentality: they cannot think for themselves and don’t want the responsibility of having made a decision. I had no respect for them.
If you ride a motorcycle and you need to shave your head, and talk about it without reservation, you will be bald, bold, bad and best,
Is the barber doing it for you, or for the washtowel? It seems that you are the customer, and if you want your hair shaved off, then that's what you should be getting. Never mind checking with joke-hova or the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger before giving the customer what he wants--especially when such is reasonably possible, and the directive is clear.
Or, maybe it's time to find a barber that is not a jokehovian and tell this one that, unless he complies with your wishes and not the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, he will lose a customer and possibly others. Or, you can get a grooming tool that will let you shave your own hair (they also allow you to cut your hair quite short) without any interference. Best part--once you pay for the tool, you start saving money on barber's costs and you get to do it on your schedule, not just when they are open.
many JWs are simply incapable of making choices or decisions on their own , even on a quite simple level.
Back when I was still in the beginning stages of the fade, while out in serve us one Saturday morning I stopped at every stop sign and bowed my head for a moment before proceeding through the intersection. When the car load of other fellows riding along finally got exasperated enough with my foolish driving they asked what I was doing. I laughed and told them I was just following "mothers" advice.
*** w11 11/15 p. 8 pars. 12-13 “Do Not Lean Upon Your Own Understanding” *** What should we do when confronted with situations that may seem easier to resolve—perhaps because past experience allows us to think of a solution quickly? David went to Jehovah in prayer. When faced with a familiar situation or problem, we must exercise caution that we do not rely solely on past experience.
I said I was not relying on past driving experience but "Praying" for help to decide how to proceed through the intersection as the WT said we must. I don't think they get the point of how stupid some of them allow themselves to become when it comes to decision making.
Call Betel or elder routine is just a way to act more 'holy' then others. Childish
Pete Zahut
I recall a man with alopecia who came into the religion...probably in the 70's.
Was this in the Seattle area? We had the same thing happen in our congregation.
I always thought it was odd how they’d say, “Let’s look it up in the literature and see what the “thinking“ is on the matter”
I wonder if the sisters call bethel to see iff they can shave their vaginas!?? I bet not they just do it anyway same as belly button earings ha