Impressions of the Governing Body; who's smart, who ain't?

by Room 215 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon Templar
    Simon Templar
    They are all very "street smart" and able to read the politics of the organization at any given time. That's how they got where they are. Don't sell them short.
  • M*A*S*H

    Hang on, it does not matter how smart they are, they are being guided by Jeehoover; though not Inspired (tm) though .

  • Vidiot

    Smart people make smart long-term decisions.

    What smart long-term decisions have the GB made?





  • Londo111

    I think Splane isn't as smart as he thinks he is.

    Lett would definitely be toward the bottom...

  • clarity

    Oh yes they are intelligent ......... but only when fighting to save their own asses! These men are narcissists!

    They have a grandiose sense of self-importance, they are unique! No one is like them ....god is on their side, so their power is Huge!............oh yeah just brilliant!

  • From my observations of these men, especially now that they have become "movie stars", is that inner character & real morality is missing. They are like empty bags of wind and certainly do not have "above" brain power laughable!!!
  • clarity
  • Vidiot
    Please stop yelling.
  • Truthexplorer
    Imagine if George Dubya Bush was on the GB, do you think he would outshine tight pants Tony :-)
  • sparrowdown

    I think the new kid on the block Sanderson actually outshines all of them in many ways.

    In fact if I were to place a wager on which GB member most likely to wake up? I would say Sanderson.

  • sparrowdown

    I think the new kid on the block, Mark Sanderson outshines them all in may ways.

    If I were to place a wager on which GB member most likely to wake up, I would say Sanderson.

  • ozbrad
    As they all must have agreed that overlapping generations was the way to go I'd say none of them.
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