Am i reading this right...? The preaching work is done??

by Nobodyspecial 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nobodyspecial

    Im sorry if this has been addressed, i have not seen any topics on this yet.

    The wt for today seems to state, quiet plainly, that preaching work is done. Para 14,15 the question asks:

    "What proves that Jehovahs Witnesses have fulfilled Jesus' prophecy with regard to the scope of the work?"

    of course the trick phrase there is "with regard to the scope". They will be able to weasel later and say 'we never said it was done, just that the scope is worldwide'

  • nowwhat?

    Too bad nobody knows what the jw's preach throughout the earth

  • leaving_quietly

    Not the first time they have said this. I haven't read today's article, but this was printed in w95 9/1 pp.17-18 par. 17. (emphasis mine)

    Looking forward especially to our time, Jesus said: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10) Has this prophecy been fulfilled? Indeed, it has.

  • Nobodyspecial

    Wow! I didnt realize that! Great catch

  • careful

    Well they are still sneaking pioneers into places like China and Vietnam under the guise of English teachers, so they must not feel the preaching work is all done!

  • mikeypants

    They are referring to the worldwide work, thus the line "with regard to the scope of the work".

    They wouldn't need to weasel out of anything since they aren't claiming the preaching work is completed. They are saying they are preaching worldwide, thus fulfilling that part of the prophecy. Nothing more.

  • Fisherman

    You are trying to figure out if the wt is implying that the the preaching work is complete. WT knows what they mean, the reader can only guess because wt does not plainly say so. Or will the wt ever officially declare that the preaching work is complete?

    In some previous threads I posted that 100 years of preaching and announcing that there is a new sheriff in town must cover it. Most people did not accept the message and convert to JW or at least support the movement somehow-but after 100 years, such are likely dead -and now preach to their descendants and then to their descendant's descendants for another 100 years or more? I doubt it very much. Something must give within this year or next year at most. The JW have preached in every nation on earth and the jw message is international -on the internet.


    Am i reading this right...? The preaching work is done??

    It was done (Stick a Fork in it) a long time ago..

    Over 130 years of preaching and 99.9999999% of the outside world..

    Still have No Idea what WBT$ / JWs believe..


    Most JWs have No Idea what They Believe..


    Image result for Watchtower logo

    Image result for fail word


    Blood......................Over Lapping..

    Fractions.................Generations.........Tight Pants..

  • Wayward

    Exactly right, Outlaw. How can they, poor things, when the official line changes every couple years and gets more outlandish every time.

  • alanv

    Over a third of the world has never even heard the JW message, and most of the rest have no idea of their beliefs

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