"You Can Do Just Enough Ministry To Dislike It"

by pale.emperor 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Divergent


    Hated every aspect of it. I was very shy as a kid and it was sheer torture going to strangers' doors. And then wanting to die of humiliation when a classmate or teacher would answer.

    Similar feelings here! I was not a shy kid by nature, but being a JW made me withdraw out of embarrassment

  • Sanchy

    I never enjoyed field service. Specially when having to visit the wealthier neighborhoods, it was so embarrassing. Good thing is that here in South Florida, it is customary for field service groups of 10 to 15 friends to visit a single territory, taking turns knocking doors, and as group overseer I could send the friends to most of the homes, limiting how many I would knock on

  • millie210

    I think it goes against the basic nature of a human to want to go up to a strangers door and talk about a topic that may/may not be controversial or well received.

    That is why to get people to over ride that basic feeling you either have to give them a monetary reward (vacuum cleaner salesmen) or a prestigious status within the group they treasure (pioneer).

    Everyone else just goes along to get along.

    We are whipped into guilt induced cooperation by being told its the basic command of our time (Matt 24:14) and by peer pressure from family and friends in the Org.

    It took being out of the Org for me to realize that the good feeling I felt after service was NOT joy from service but a giddy relief that it was DONE!

  • Sanchy

    It took being out of the Org for me to realize that the good feeling I felt after service was NOT joy from service but a giddy relief that it was DONE!

    ..amen to that!

    Weekend mornings are so different now, I actually look forward to them. Sleeping in, watching cartoons with my kids, figuring out what meat I should be grilling later and whether I should accompany it with wine or beer (oh the dilemma ).

  • NVR2L8

    Had dinner with my 80+ years old "lifetime pioneer status" mom and when I asked how she's doing the first words out of her mouth was that the new service year had just started...dance moves and all. Service and meetings is all she knows especially since my dad passed away. Even my brother the elders thinks she's overboard. This is an indication of how deeply she's enslaved by the cult.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Deep, deep within me sleeps the dessicated ghost of the "Dub of Witness Past" that I once was.

    I was taught Watchtower Crap & Pablum since I was about 8, I was dunked under the [ha ha] "old covenant" baptismal oath in 1964. I didn't need college because I read AWAKE! magazine.

    Reading your opening post raised the hackles on that dessicated decrepit ghoul within me; to think that ANYONE would speak openly of finding no joy in the D2D work! HOW DARE YOU!

    Of course from where I am now this honesty is welcome, refreshing and fully justified, but there was a time...

  • Londo111

    The vast majority of JWs hate it. Perhaps a minority enjoy it. I had a relative who did, but he was very outgoing and sociable. Householders liked him and his personality drew dozens into the organization.

  • Tallon

    I never did like field service and worst facet, for me, was street work.


    In the experience parts in Thursday meetings the pioneers would always say "well, you can do just enough ministry to not enjoy it" which is saying that if you dont enjoy it its because you're not out there enough.

    That`s WatchTarded..

    Lets use the same argument for something else unpleasant..


    "Well,you can slam your finger in the door..


    Image result for finger in door

  • Vidiot

    Londo1111 - "The vast majority of JWs hate it. Perhaps a minority enjoy it."

    Ironically, that confirms something the Apostle Paul said, but at least he had enough common sense to advise only that minority to actually engage in it. :smirk:

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