Bye and thanks for everything

by LifesNotOver 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • kairos

    My nearly 70 year old wife chooses to stay with me, a DF'd apostate.

    We love each other and are trying to make things work.
    It's not easy.

    I'm glad you made your stand.

  • just fine
    just fine

    Wishing you all the happiness your freedom will bring.

  • LettMorrisSplaneit

    I just finished reading your posts. My heart goes out to you. I hope that you get to enjoy the rest of your life, you deserve it.

  • FayeDunaway

    The elder gave your husband the advice that elders give to people who have to have an apostate in their house. If' you must live with them, no religious discussion is allowed whatsoever.' What they don't realize is that we 'apostates' LOVE that!! But what they are trying to do is protect their followers from any apostate reasoning and influence. But you know, your husband may be 'won without a word' (lol) by you following your dreams and pursuing interests and helping people and making friends and by still being a loving wife (if that is your wish.) I think this is GREAT for you, and I think you are very right to feel so free and positive. Hugs!!

  • Worldling9

    See? Standing up for yourself was absolutely the right thing to do. I guess hubby will just have to get over it and get on with life!


  • smiddy

    LNO .

    You do have supporters and friends here , where you can come to any day or night and just vent or rejoice in whatever mood your in ,and someone can interact with you.

    And I concur wholeheartedly with what FD has said

    take care.

    PS , hopefully your hubby will see through the BS sooner rather than later.


  • LifesNotOver

    Hello! When I first started this post and said "bye", I had in mind telling people where I'd arrived recently and then getting to the point of saying I was going to give this forum a break while I got my thoughts and feelings into some sort of alignment. Just seeing how it might feel to truly be free of the whole JW topic. I was getting all embroiled not only in my problem, but everyone else's here as well. I do that - unable to maintain a healthy distance.

    So now with my husband promising to stay off the topic, with the elders being warned not to come by because I need my space, with no expectations of meeting attendance or service, I'll see how it goes.

    But, you see, that's harder said than done oops! no, I meant that's easier said than done. I'm not fully awake yet this morning. Writing to say thanks and I'm taking a break from the forum to make sure I'm thinking for myself and not again under the influence, of course results in people responding, and of course I have to check back to see what people responded with, and then I want to respond to them, and of course I see other posts and want to see what people are saying about themselves, and round it goes :) Yep, I've become dependant. Maybe just slow down rather than expecting I'll cut myself off totally. I'm so hard on myself. Why can't I just relax, that's what I really need to do after the emotional roller coaster ride I've been on. I don't need to be making another problem for myself.

    That said, I'm going to sign off, take a shower, and get on with my day. And make it a good one. I hope you're all able to do the same. LNO

  • FayeDunaway

    Responding, so you will have to read :).

    Sounds like a plan! Go live your life :). And come here occasionally, it doesn't have to be an addiction (like it sorta is for me).

    Have a great day!

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