Is the Pioneer School being eliminated?
by wannaexit 42 Replies latest jw friends
Meh, ain't much training needed to sit 20 feet behind one of those apathy carts while sipping your Starbucks and surfing the net on your phone. -
Meh, ain't much training needed to sit 20 feet behind one of those apathy carts while sipping your Starbucks and surfing the net on your phone.
Ain't this the truth
I'm at a loss to know what on earth the Pioneer Curriculum consisted of when it was two weeks long. My god! What on earth did they teach during those days? -
Calebs Airplane
The biggest issue in my circuit was getting free housing for these students. Not sure why, but even the ultra-spiritual elders in my congo with plenty of room in their homes were extremely reluctant to provide a room for any pioneer students. They would actually ask everyone else first and then offer up their home only if they absolutely had to. In my last few years in, it got so bad that even the most inactive and "spiritually weak" members of the hosting KH were being asked to make room in their homes. It was a spiritual paradise indeed. -
I'm at a loss to know what on earth the Pioneer Curriculum consisted of when it was two weeks long. My god! What on earth did they teach during those days?Hi Steve2 ,Here is an older thread that offers a prior edition of the pioneer book -
Wannaexit - "Is the Pioneer School being eliminated?"
A mere five years ago, I would have said "no way".
These days, though...
dodo bird is a bird that is extinct supposedly because it wasn't bright enough to not be hunted out of existence.
gone, never to return
Wasanelder Once
At Pioneer school I asked a question that helped me see how bogus preaching was. I asked, "If Jehovah is drawing people to the Truth, and ONLY honest hearted ones are drawn by his spirit touching their heart, what percentage of success is from our teaching ability?" In other words we can't convince anyone because Jehovah has to open their heart so what's the point of busting our ass here for two weeks? The CO/teacher said, "I shudder to think of that". -
The pioneer school will re-emerge as the CLAM Program for Kingdom Cart People.