Watchtower teaches that Jesus dying on the stake is no longer certain

by Listener 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Earnest

    The problem is that the literature regarding crucifixion prior to the gospel accounts has to do with various forms of suspension but there was no specific terminology regarding the instrument used..

    There was a group of punishments that were carried out by a limb suspension, in which sometimes nails were used, and which sometimes resulted in an outdrawn suffering on some kind of suspension tool. That is as far as anyone can go and be true to the text. Anything beyond that is interpretation not translation.

    Good that the Watchtower acknowledges this.

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    I long ago realised that if an org's "truth" was based on conjecture or supposition, then it wasn't important, and certainly not worth getting into an argument or debate about.

    Did Jesus die on a cross or a stake? Does it really matter for a Christian's faith?

    Are Jesus & Michael one and the same? Does it really matter for a Christian's faith ?

    Will the people of Sodom & Gomorrah be resurrected? Does it really matter for a Christian's faith?

    The org uses such topics to convince the faithful that their leadership has greater Bible insights than the rest of Christendom, therefore, this PROVES they have the truth.

  • AverageJoe1

    Actually that paragraph on their website:

    A contradiction in the same paragraph!

    However, the Bible does not describe the instrument of Jesus’ death, so no one can know its shape with absolute certainty. Still, the Bible provides evidence that Jesus died, not on a cross, but on an upright stake.
  • Fisherman
    Many view the cross as the most common symbol of Christianity. However, the Bible does not describe the instrument of Jesus’ death, so no one can know its shape with absolute certainty. Still, the Bible provides E V I D E N C E that Jesus died, not on a cross, but on an upright stake.

    There is a difference between evidence and proof (absolute certainty).

  • shepherdless

    It seems like they are laying the groundwork for a change.

    For a thorough discussion on whether the bible supports the "torture stake" dogma, the following link is excellent:

  • OneEyedJoe

    Their website also says that they don't shun those that leave, they're not a cult because they don't follow men, they don't believe in creationism , they haven't changed their Bible to fit their beliefs, etc. Until this is in a WT, I'm just going to assume that they're just lying to the public to make their cult more palatable as is their MO.

  • dogon

    The cult is and has changed over the years. To the point that it would not be recognizable to anyone who was a dubber in the 50s.

  • jaydee

    Well no matter how they word it,

    everyone knows it was an 'overlapping torture stake'

    There, problem solved,....everybody wins.

  • redvip2000

    There is no change at all.

    Like other have said, they go on to say the same that have have always said -- that it was a torture stake.

  • EverApostate

    First of all why does an innocent man need to die for others(Sinners). Isn't this injustice ?

    Moreover, what has Jesus Death brought for mankind ? Nothing, except the illusionary and hypothetical reasoning that he died for us , washed our sins and paid the ransom. Even if we accept this nonsensical human ransom theory, shouldn't have Jesus Death eliminated all sufferings and brought a Paradise Earth, right then and there ? When the price is paid, we get the benefit. That's how things work, right from the beginning.

    Whether he died on a cross or a stake is another empty argument and reasoning based on a useless outcome.

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