The dumb liberal idiots keep getting dumber

by mickbobcat 19 Replies latest social current


    FBI investigations have already cleared certain persons of any involvement in inciting riots at the Capitol, person like Roger Stone for instance. Others who the rabid Left Media slandered are also being cleared of charges.

    The idiotic charges against Trump, just like the fake “Russia” scandal will also be proven false. It’s not about liking Trump, it’s about the corrupt Far Left and their complete lack of morals and integrity.


  • Simon

    Told you - fake news!

    The FBI have already debunked the "Trump called an army to take over the US" claptrap.

    My money was on "he said to drink bleach!" or "he called the KKK fine people!", maybe even "Russian collusion!"

    But I knew whatever you came up with would be some bullshit you've been fed by the media and fell for, because you lack the intelligence to see when you have been fooled and lied to not once, not twice, but over and over and over again.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    you lack the intelligence to see when you have been fooled and lied to not once, not twice, but over and over and over again.

    Whether it is lack of intelligence, pride, Machiavellianism or some other psychological phenomena ... I don't know. But whatever IT is, the JW's have the same stuff. Every prediction the WT has ever made has failed... 100%. Yet, they still call it the TRUTH!

  • shadowclone

    There was no riot at the Capitol. There were no Trump flags. Just another tour group. Only unsophisticated idiots would choose to believe their own eyes!

    And . . .

    OJ was innocent

    No American tanks ever got into Baghdad

    Covid vaccines are worthless

    Moon landings were all fakes

  • punkofnice

    The delusional psychosis these people all buy into is now the new religion.

    It's tribalism at it's most disturbing state. When will the Woke-tards bring back ducking stools for non believers?

    One rule for them and another for you is seen all over, especially with those in power and those with money.

    Meanwhile, 99% of the people just get on with life but keep getting attacked by these delusional, attention seeking nobodies.

    Why does the media and corporations even give them the time of day?

  • mickbobcat

    Oppostate you are so deluded. No one attacked the capitol, if you want to see a riot look at your own shit hole run cities, Portland, Seattle,LA, SF, how about you liberal idiots clean up your own back yard then tell others how to do it.

  • punkofnice
    Now AC is racist. LMFAO

    Of course it is; along with everything else that can get attention seekers noticed for their fake virtue.

    then you have the grifters like Robyn DeAngelo that tell us that everyone (apart from her is a wassist). Why? Well, let's see. could it be because she offers courses on how to be like a price?

    Wassism is an industry. I really don't know why people don't just ignore these grifters or tell them to p155 off and get a real job that will actually help and not fracture society.

    As for those gullible fools that fall for it all............

  • punkofnice
    the idiots who follow Trumpolini

    I like to call him Trumpty-dumpty.

    One thing the Watchtower(TM) got right was that following ANY of our politicians or prominent people is a waste of time. They don't care about us; only what they can gain from us. It's time to wake up and smell the rotten in the state of Denmark. I have no respect or loyalty to any of these self serving schnooks.

    If you disagree, don't just put a cowardly anonymous dislike but state why you disagree. you never know, I might see your point and agree.


    There are thousands of hours of video in existence of the January 6th events, with more being withheld from the public. These videos show that nothing close to an insurrection took place.

    You can believe what you want, but I watched the entire day as the events were broadcast LIVE by independent media outlets from multiple angles, not just the Mainstream Media’s chosen snippets of footage.


  • DesirousOfChange

    I'd prefer to believe there was rampant voter fraud than so many stupid voters.

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