"Hope for what we do not see" - Review

by problemaddict 2 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    I give it 3 thumbs down.

    The video starts with an ambulance in Peru. the ambulance people look at an ID and a no blood card in Spanish.

    Quick flash away to now and a happy family of a couple with 2 young boys. All good kids it collages their everyday life, all centered around theocratic activities. The father walks with his own father. The older man says something about failing the mans brother. Its cryptic.

    Grandpa picks up the kids from school one day, and there is an accident. the grandfather, and their youngest boy die.

    The mans brother (clearly no longer a JW), misses the service and apologizes. But he comes out. After this, the father is laid off from work (after turning down a promotion because it would take him away from meetings), and then there is a tumor!

    So now hes got debt, tumor, no kid, no dad, hes getting discouraged. His brother offers help, but says some snarky mess about him not being able to live in a prayer and fantasy world. He acknowledges his relationship with their father was strained because he didn't want to be a JW.

    The guys tumor comes back. While he looks fine and seems good throughout, he tells the elders that visit they don't understand and he wants to die everyday waking up on the bathroom floor. This is not believable at all.

    The father breaks down in front of the elders. Of course all the emotion is very surface. Muted almost. He has an old friend come to visit. Guy ends up helping him with his roof free of charge. they remember the good ole days and go for a walk. The guy reveals to all of us that he was serving in Peru and lost his wife. They both cry.

    the dad finds strength in his faith, shares it with his family. Tumor/cancer gone. Reads scripture to the son. Apparently gets a new better job in a factory (old one closed down). Everyone is on the mend. Preaching to everyone as it closes.

    the end

    **The emotional tone was turned up here from the door. Lots of violin, sad music, imagery to conjure emotion in the viewer. Its well produced, and poorly acted which is kind of typical of these videos. The emotion from the people involved is not realistic however. Its very muted and unrealistic. I thought it was interesting that it was heavily suggested the friends wife in Peru dies due to not taking blood, but it was never directly stated. In the end everything is ok and there is no substance. Its just meant to make people cry.

    Manipulative.......no surprises.

  • sir82

    Tumor/cancer gone.

    Apparently gets a new better job in a factory

    So the message of the video is, pray harder and Jehovah will miraculously cure you AND get you a better job?

    So I guess all those JWs who have died from cancer just didn't pray hard enough?

  • xjwsrock

    (I posted this on another thread:)

    Could that thing be more depressing? I mean hell. They killed off 3 people gave one cancer and got him laid off from work.

    it's hard for me to imagine that this type of video doesn't actually instill doubts in people. The reasonings of the "worldly" people were more coherent than the witnesses.

    The scriptural hopes actually come across illusory and naive. God is given credit for their rebound without any blame for allowing the fall in the first place. The shepherding brothers actually bothered to mention Job, as if that account is going to make somebody feel better.

    It's disturbing to see what the org is turning into. There is obviously no Armageddon anytime soon. The urgency is gone so they have to resort to this suffering-is-a-virtue brainwashing. The messaging is too specific for it not to be completely calculated. So all those out there that think the leadership is sincere but wrong, think again. These are calculating manipulators keeping people stuck emotionally for their personal gain.

    They are heartless greedy sociopaths.


    -I will add that I agree it is well produced but the acting is terrible. This IMO makes the manipulative agenda more transparent and simultaneously less effective.

  • sparky1

    'Forgive me Jehovah..............after watching your new video I have discovered that I have been in the wrong religion all along! What prevents me from getting baptized into the "name of the Father and the Son and your Spirit Directed Organization as represented by your "Faithful and Discreet Slave Class"?

  • BeautifulMind
    I noticed the org. also started to have depressing interviews at the regional conventions a couple of years ago. I'm not sure if it was further back than that, but definitely the last 2. Where ppl would be getting interviewed on how they overcame losing their mate to a illness, accident, or some illness they have and dealing with it all while being a faithful servant. And for some of these ppl, it was very recent. I just remember thinking to myself, 'how is this supposed to make me feel good?' Very depressing stuff.
  • BeautifulMind
    Side note - they don't look to hard up for money to me with all of these productions 🤔🤔
  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    Its simply meant to evoke emotional response. It isn't about making sense. It isn't about a lesson with meaning. What is the lesson here? If your life gets hard, don't give up on it? Don't blame Jehovah?

    I'm not even certain what it is. But it will be on the big screen on Saturday.

  • xjwsrock

    I think it teaches suffering is a virtue. God demands sacrifice that hurts.

    This dovetails nicely in the call for simplifying (sacrifice) to give more money and time to the org.

    It encourages giving up. Since life in this system will never be anything but tragedy and heartbreak (according to the messaging), just give this life to "Jehovah" aka the WTBTS, and earn your next life. You can live then with your resurrected family.

    I see it as abusive. Beat down the friends emotionally and they can be more easily controlled.

    Same line of reasoning as abusive husbands that "keep a woman barefoot and pregnant" and tell her she will never amount to anything.

  • xjwsrock

    It also makes the JW's feel helpless and hopeless.

    So they will run into the arms of the cult and its many warm and comforting promises.

  • BlackWolf
    I saw the preview for this on jw.org, it looks boring and stupid as usual. I can't stand the thought of going to convention this year, its going to be hell. :( I agree that it's just about emotions, this movie seems like it lacks any real meaning or lesson at all.

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