Fading tactic that worked well for me

by traveb 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • traveb

    If you read some of my past posts you’ll know that I’ve successfully faded while being able to keep contact with my immediate family, who are still very devout JWs. When I did finally completely stop attending meetings, my family, and especially my parents (elder father and pioneer mom), were of course very interested to know the reasons why. At first I deflected their questions, stating that I had personal reasons and did not want to explain myself. I had learned early on in the fading process that it’s best to keep your mouth shut to avoid raising any alarms (harder said than done!). This worked for a while, but I could tell my family increasingly were not satisfied with this.

    I eventually decided that I needed to give them something. What worked best for me was to straight up tell them I didn’t believe in god or in the Bible. I explained that I didn’t have anything against JWs specifically, but it was a more general disbelief in religion and god, which in my case is really true. Of course I still personally think that JWs are cult-like with dangerous beliefs, but what’s the point of bringing that up? All that would accomplish is setting off their apostate alarms, and then they would probably start shunning me. It’s not like I’m going to convince them of anything.

    I also went into the whole freedom of choice thing, and how we need to make up our own minds and make our own decisions. I told my parents that I had been faking it for years, and that it wasn’t healthy for me to continue practicing something I didn’t believe in. I mentioned how it would have been very easy on my part to continue pretending, but that I made the harder decision to stop because it was the right choice. This tactic went over surprisingly well. Of course they weren’t happy about it, but I could tell their JW defense mechanisms didn’t go up. Instead of viewing me as a dangerous apostate, they now see me as someone who’s “lost their faith”. They even agreed with me that we all need to make our own choices in life, and shouldn’t be pressured into doing things we don’t believe.

    In my opinion, getting into discussions or debates regarding teachings or doctrines with JWs, even family members, is a huge waste of time for the most part. Instead, I reassured my parents that I respected their religion and the way they raised me. I also expressed to them that I’m happier than I’ve ever been, and will continue to be there for them no matter what.

    Believe me, it feels good to rise above the JW mindset! I’m being the dutiful son, and killing them with kindness.

  • Phizzy

    " In my opinion, getting into discussions or debates regarding teachings or doctrines with JWs, even family members, is a huge waste of time for the most part. Instead, I reassured my parents that I respected their religion and the way they raised me. I also expressed to them that I’m happier than I’ve ever been, and will continue to be there for them no matter what."

    I think that is spot on, and BY FAR the best way to go.

    I left it much this way with my JW family, who still keep in touch, I also said to one of them that I think " When the Student is ready, The Teacher will arrive".

    Meaning I am willing to explain all, when they are ready to really listen, which, I fear, will be never with most of them, but in all ways, I am here for them.

  • TipsyMangoTea
    (*big thumbs up*) d(^_______^)b* Hope my attempts with my relatives will one day be as successful as that. It's hard not to raise your voice and cry with frustration when explaining why you want to stop being a Witness (especially if you also don't want to be religious in general).
  • scared and lonely
    scared and lonely


    I wish I saw your post a few weeks ago.

    I am going through the process now and I think I have handled it all wrong.

    I am going to lose everything.

    I'm really pleased it worked for you and you have escaped without being DF'ed.

    Best wishes

  • clarity

    Scared and lonely ...... so sorry you are feeling this way. Many of us are or have been in your position. All is not lost, you will gain strength and a sense of your own power & importance.

    You need to find people to be with ...even strangers at coffee shops. If you are able ... go to a therapist.

    Watchtower lies when they say the world is bad & the people are bad. There are wonderful people all around you ....hold out your hand to them. Keep posting & researching.......you will make it no matter what way you do it. Freedom is priceless ...be brave.


  • scared and lonely
    scared and lonely


    Thank you so much for your kind and reassuring post. I appreciate it very much.

    I am still at the feeling guilty stage where I feel really bad from visiting this and other sites because of what has been drummed into me about apostasy. However, it is opening my eyes and showing me that things are not so dark on the other side.

    You post has given me hope.

    Thank you for being so kind

  • Tornintwo

    Traveb, great advice and great news it's worked out so well for you. I am currently watching a young man leave the hard way, apostasy and all, and I am convinced he is causing himself and his family much more pain than necessary.

    scared and lonely, take the advice and back track, it's not too late, you can blame depression or stress, say you are confused, but doing things travebs way gives you more chance of keeping your family and of long term success. As one of our regular posters says here ...."the best revenge is living a happy and successful life" (not ending up penniless and friendless in the gutter!)

  • steve2

    scared and lonely, take the advice and back track, it's not too late, you can blame depression or stress, say you are confused, but doing things travebs way gives you more chance of keeping your family and of long term success. As one of our regular posters says here ...."the best revenge is living a happy and successful life" (not ending up penniless and friendless in the gutter!)

    Very wise words. We are all learning how to do better next time. I look back at some of the ways I innocently asnwered my family and friends' questions when I stopped attending meetings. Oh, if only I had known what I know now! I virtually handed them ammunition to aim at me and shoot. That was well before the age of the internet.

    Scared and lonely, if anyone pressures you about what you said to them earlier, acknolwedge you weren't feeling your best at that time and now realize that it is not about the organization at all but more to do with you finding it hard to believe in God. Somehow the JWs handle that better than hearing you say you believe in God but not in accord with JW organization.

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, wise words.

    Do not play into the "debates" game....it never wins over anyone.

    However, simply maintaining one's dignity and composure, along with a positive demeanour helps to show that the decision to leave is NOT based on some emotive, erratic reason.

    Show that you have NOT changed as a person and become some "mentally diseased" "immoral" person. Rather, you have used your "power of reason" and "thinking ability" based on logical research and facts, and have recognised that you were not aware of all matters previously.

    Therefore, your direction in life has now altered. BUT you remain the same good person you always were...in fact maybe even a better person, for you are now not just mindlessly accepting things that are not sound and reasonable.

  • LongHairGal


    I have "faded" too. No family in the JWs, just a few "friends".

    I totally agree that getting into discussions with JWs (whether family or friends) is a total waste of time. There would be no reasoning with them. It would be different if they were more academically minded and honestly open to discussing things.

    Many, if not most JWs, have never examined anything, let alone their own religion. There is just robotic, stupid, shrill sticking to their "guns". The cult mindset takes over. Did you ever hear an uneducated JW drone attempt to defend the religion's beliefs with a haughty tone of voice? I have.

    You handled your parents very well and you are lucky this tactic worked for you because it didn't work for others. Best of luck.

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