Serious question!

by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Some people don't change unless things affect them personally.

    On the other hand if you are an advertiser and can make people feel the lack of something, you can get them to want things they don't need. How many of us felt we ought to put in a report with the number of hours we had done on the ministry, when scripturally there was no need?

    And how may decided it would be better to knock on doors of people who weren't interested rather than help the sick, the poor, the lonely and the widow etc?

    The Watchtower organisation has set itself up as an educational authority which lords it over others. It dispenses priviledges, and hold graduations. Where in the Bible does Jesus hold a graduation ceremony? Watchtower hierachy decides who will become the new elite, it decides who should be looked up to. And as Sigmund Freud's nephew pointed out, as he established what we call PR, you don't need to bother about the little people. You only need to control the minds of the leaders because all the others will follow. And one of the main tools in the tool box is glamour.

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    Thanks to all of you for your commenst. Really helps to see different views and learn or just see reason.


  • Xanthippe

    I agree with dubstepped, you can't change anyone. I also agree with Simon, keep away from people who lurch from crisis to crisis.

    If you can't keep away, if they're work colleagues make it clear that you won't put up with them dumping their drama on you. They will learn to moan about their 'terrible' life to someone else.

  • tiki

    The only person you can change is yourself....

    But...if you find a person with whom you associate disturbing to you or to distance yourself. We have to take care of ourselves and our mental and emotional well-being first.

  • Vidiot
    ballistic - "...psychedelics..."

    Damn, you beat me to it.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    ( immediate response to Anna Marina's photo of smoking woman)

    First picture: glamorous woman smoking.

    Second picture: glamorous woman at doctors with hacking cough.

    Third picture: not so glamorous woman lying in hospital bed, intubated and wearing oxygen mask, wishing she had never started smoking.

    As to the question...

    Perhaps it is only possible to change people by confronting them with the social consequences of their attitude. Direct confrontation may arouse hostility or it might make a person think.

    There will always be overbearing thoughtless people, always it's best to chose the company of decent human beings even if this means leaving a job?

  • Vidiot
    ZinDag - "How can you change or improve an individuals dominant mental attitude?"


  • LongHairGal


    I agree with you about not wanting to be around people who try to inflict their drama and crises on people around them.

    Not being associated with the JW religion anymore I notice the peace and quiet because I don’t have this nonsense inflicted on me anymore. In the idiot religion all this politeness only encouraged dysfunctional people (mostly sisters) to behave even more so and be a trial to everybody around them.

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