Welcome xena73 on this forum you will learn everything about Jehovah`s Witnesses that you would never hear at a Kingdom hall based on facts and not on maybe`s ,evidently`s ,probably`s ,reasonably`s ,etc.etc. without any " truth " to back them up.
Special meeting next month (February 2020)
by Jofi_Wofo 33 Replies latest jw friends
Nathan Natas
I'm thinking that it WILL NOT be about Armageddon starting.
Probably some bean-counter has decided it would be good to use BOTH sides of the toilet paper so they can save Jehovah money.
"Special Meeting" is Watchtower speak for "Organizational changes" and not anything spiritual. I remember back in the 90s my parents were certain we were getting a letter that was announcing the beginning of the Great Tribulation. In stead, we got a letter that said we were no longer to charge for our literature, but rather ask for a donation. This was of course to protect Watchtower's religious tax exemption in the US.
I am sure this "Special Meeting" will boil down to Watchtower financial business. Donate more. We are taking direct control over you congregation's financial accounts. We are selling your Kingdom Hall and sending you an extra 20 miles one way to attend meetings somewhere else because Jehovah's blessings.
Half banana
I am personally beside myself in anticipation of the "SPECIAL" meeting.....
What I am expecting is the announcement of a new method of efficiently fleecing sheep which cunningly will be completely funded by the flock themselves. This was dreamed up by Tony M on an alcoholic bender after a worse than usual run in with the rest of the GB.
Whatever the details of this meeting are there are two certainties:
1 the flock will come out dumber, poorer, more blinkered, more loyal and yet more hopeful than before.
2 the GB will have raised their demi-god status and argue that they are the only ticket if you want to survive Armageddon and that you would be insane to leave at this very late stage.