Attitude in Kingdom Hall vs. in church

by Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu
    Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu

    So, today I went to a different church than the JW's for the first time in over three years.

    It is a protestant African church. My first thoughts: for people who are 'trapped in Babylon the Great (according to Watchtower) these people really seem genuingly happy and sincere in their adoration for God. What a freedom compared to the witnesses! Babylon the Great feels amazing.

    In the kingdom hall I always felt that most of the young people (I mean from 15-25 years, I'm 21 myself) do not even seem to believe in God. They just go to the kingdom hall for whatever reason, but not for God. They don't truly serve God, and if they do, then it surely is not in sincerity. Of course there is a minority of them that truly believes.

    But for the majority, I really think they are secretly atheist/agnostic. Do other people have the same thoughts?

    In this African church, people are really amazing and truly full of love for God. They are 10000% more Christian than the JW's.

    It feels good to be in a church of believers.

    Instead of being in a kingdom hall with... don't know how to call least not believers..

  • scratchme1010

    Do other people have the same thoughts?

    I have similar thoughts but not exactly the same as you describe. I have seen people truly, genuinely happy and fulfilled by becoming members of a church. However, what I have learned from my experience in life (I celebrated my 30th anniversary of being your age), I know that many people join and become happy because the church gives them a lot of things in addition to answers to questions that people most commonly have regarding God, the bible, etc. They look for a community they can belong to, for a healthy way of socializing, to find people who share the same values for friendships or for romantic purposes, and many others.

    Those are as valid reasons to become part of those churches, which is the main difference between many good organized churches and religious denominations a high demand, controlling groups like the WT (and others). If you notice, the leadership of those organizations are accessible, open, and socialize with their members as much as any member of their church.

    The biggest difference however, is the fact that in many of those churches you don't feel a lot of pressure if you decide to leave, if you ask questions, if you question your faith (or theirs), even if you don't believe everything they say many of them are ok with it. Not so with the WT.

  • LevelThePlayingField

    I went to a mega church a couple of times. And then I went to a simple small church on the other side of the city I live in once. In both cases it seemed to me that the people there, and the preacher too, didn't have an ax to grind. Unlike the JW's we see today. They always have an ax to grind about "Babylon the Great."

    But the churches, no, they don't. They just worship God and Jesus. They sing songs heartily and give praise to the most high. That's it. No slinging mud at other religions. Just praising Jesus as much as they can in an hour.

    A happy people.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    I heard over and over again,"he or she are doing the best they can do they are here , right"; not judgmental.......

  • Spoletta

    Went to a local church in December, got there early and found a Christmas bazaar going on in the basement. Hustle and bustle, cheerful people, and the smell of fresh pine needles.

    In the Sanctuary later, the organ was playing a beautiful Bach prelude, then the choir processed in with a lovely arrangement of "Lo How a Rose E'er Blooming", while the people around me smiled and enjoyed it all.

    After the usual responses and other rigmarole, they called up the children and had a cute little Bible lesson which was thankfully free of Doctrine.

    More rituals, then a wonderful sermon on being kind to one another, helping out the less fortunate, and some non-self serving anecdotes.Thoroughly enjoyable.

    Looking through the Missal, many notices in back about opportunities to volunteer for worthy causes, youth groups, adult groups, and general notices.

    After the service, everyone very friendly, generally a nice warm atmosphere.

    Left feeling good.

    Next week, regular meeting at Hall. Need I say more?

  • stillin

    One fine day I will do some exploring. In the meantime I am committed to watching the Witnesses trudge through their meetings.

    I don't expect to find any great religion out there. I think it's all just people claiming to have special understanding of invisible things. But it would be refreshing to meet people who don't feel obligated to recite things from their dogma just to impress each other.

  • tepidpoultry

    Comfort and communion

    are two things for which religion was invented

    You might think of a mother with her child when that child is frightened

    Sadly has largely been replaced as a way to control people

    Fear Obligation and Guilt are the order of the day with most Abrahamic




  • tepidpoultry

    I was never a JW. My brother converted to the JWs and tried to convert his siblings and family. I had only Catholic, Baptist and Presbyterian examples to compare. All were semi-similiar in their worship of God AND Jesus. One thing that I had noticed while attending JW services is the complete lack of actual worship of God.

    A brief prayer and then talking and not worshiping. If I am wrong, please correct me.

    I even attended my brother's baptism into JW world and still found little actual prayer. So I could see that worship would be a big difference that one would experience while attending another, more mainstream Christian faith.

  • zeb

    TP. Lovely picture.

    My grand daughter met a new girl arrived at her school.

    She said to the new one." Hi Im ----- and Im going to be your best friend" and "Where did you get those beautiful black shoes?"

    new one. "They are part of my old school uniform."

    My gd never noticed the little girls black skin (Indian). My daughter wept quietly with pride.

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