Control - Whose worse, the JWs or the traditional churches?

by fulltimestudent 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sugar Shane
    Sugar Shane
    Trying to compare a soul sucking 24 7 cult to a Joel Osteen type 45 min pep talk once a week.
    And you can't figure out which one is worse?
    What a stupid thread.

    Agreed. I was exposed to the Methodist Church as a child, and later the Disciples of Christ. After marrying a JW (she converted after marrying) I can attest to the difference. At no time, during my youth, did either the Methodists or D.O.C. disfellowship, or mark someone for not agreeing with everything. We were never fed a steady diet of, " the end is near," or "the wicked system of things."

    On the contrary, it was more the positive side:"Jesus died for us & our sins." "Be like Jesus' disciples, help those in need."

    The Disciples (D.O.C.) in particular, are real big on open discussion during Sunday school. One isn't just mindlessly regurgitating answers from a Wathtower style study guide. But, using the brain God gave you to think, and make others think.

    Sure they "passed the plate" every Sunday for donations, but the church finances were handled locally, and it was fairly transparent, as I recall. The pastors at both churches were pretty non-blingy. I think one drove an old Buick & lived in a smallish house. Heck, even Joel Olsteen lives in the same modest house he bought way before getting famous. Anyway, there was never any of this "we have the TROOF, and only us" bullshit, in my experience.

    Sure, you can find the hardcore, evangelical, fire & brimstone ("ur goin' to hell in a handbasket!") type churches out there, but none that I'm aware of have such power over their members as the JWs. This includes the power to destroy families and hide pedophiles via the threat of DF and shunning. The only 'religion/denomination' I've heard of this is Scientology. The Worldwide Church of God might've done this, as well as several smallish sects. But, to compare JWs to mainstream Christian churches is apples & oranges. No, make that apples & potatoes.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    ''Wow. Trying to compare a soul sucking 24 7 cult to a Joel Osteen type 45 min pep talk once a week.
    And you can't figure out which one is worse?
    What a stupid thread.''

    Yeah. Maybe you're right!!!!

  • Sugar Shane
    Sugar Shane
    Correction: Joel LIVED in the modest house for a long time. But, I think he's since "moved on up." Wonder if Victoria was naggin' away at him. LoL
  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    From personal experience, I have been involved with the JWs, a few different "non-denominational" churches, and the RCC. Doctrinal fears aside, I can say the biggest difference I've experienced between the JWs and other christian churches is that I haven't experienced mind control, guilt, shunning, or conditional love in other churches. Although the churches do believe in hell, I've never been to any "fire and brimstone" podium pounding services like the JWs want to believe happen every Sunday in other churches. I'm sure those elements exist in certain christian sects besides the JWs, but I haven't personally experienced it.

    The JWs are a legalistic "works" based religion and your level of spirituality or guilt is based upon how much you do, and thus, your salvation is based not upon belief in Jehovah, but how much you do for Jehovah. A JW's spirituality, no matter how genuine, is still an outward showing to constantly prove to everyone around you and Jehovah, that you are, in fact, spiritual. The constant "end time" theme of this religion is always pronounced and at the forefront in their beliefs because this is just another control tactic.

    The RCC, again from my perspective, is a sort of belief in Jesus mixed with some church legalism and control. Their salvation equals, half believing in Jesus, and half believing in the RCC tradition. However, I haven't seen any mind control in the RCC that is so apparent in the JWs. I also have not experienced any form of shunning of individuals who have decided to leave. Although they do believe in the Bible, and thus believe in armageddon, it is never a hot topic or rarely even mentioned. A rank and file member's spirituality, is just that, their spirituality, personal and inward.

    "Nondenomination" churches that I've visited, are simply, believe in Jesus and scripture alone, and salvation only lies in that, for there is nothing that a person can work at to gain it. I also haven't experienced any form of mind control, guilt, or shunning. "Levels of spirituality" are not pronounced like the JW religion and there are no back room reprimands or losing of duties. Again, like a rank and file RC member, a person's spirituality is personal and inward.

  • LisaRose

    Granted, the hell fire doctrine is abhorrent, but to me there is a big difference between teaching that something bad will happen to you when you die and teaching that at any time (and soon) God is going to destroy the vast majority of the world's population. And salvation for churches happens based on belief in Jesus Christ, where the Watchtower teaches that you must be "whole souled", which means basically that you must do everything they say or you don't have a chance. It's just a whole different level of ugliness.

  • just fine
    just fine

    I am not a member of any church, but I have visited on occasion (going with friends). The last church I went to was a Catholic Church, the service was very nice. The pastor talked about how to be better people and follow Jesus example of love and kindness. The service was very uplifting and enjoyable and there was a nursery/Sunday school program that the little ones seemed to enjoy.

    There was no "OBEY or God will kill you talk" like at the Kingdom Hall.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    **The constant "end time" theme of this religion is always pronounced and at the forefront in their beliefs because this is just another control tactic.**

    ** but to me there is a big difference between teaching that something bad will happen to you when you die and teaching that at any time (and soon)**

    Nothing more than control mechanisms!! These are what drives the JWs, to always keep them on edge, every single #@%ing waking hour.

    IMHO, teaching that every man, woman and child, or in other words 99% of mankind wiped away. For not being 100% JW or at least practising JWism. This has to be worse than the Hellfire doctrine. And how TIRING, it must be!!!! Your entire life.

  • Vidiot

    Bob Loblaw - "...I also have not experienced any form of shunning of individuals who have decided to leave..."

    Hell, you can openly express criticism of the sitting POPE and not get in trouble.


    BTW, are you aware that your username said out loud sounds almost like "blahblahblah"? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Just a horrible way to live. Just horrible.

  • Alive!

    Over the years, the misery and anxiety that I felt about the lack of new disciples, how our witnessing was not bringing people - and the ones we saw flirting with the 'truth' were on average....strange. More interested in paradise for them, than the invitation to know Christ.

    And then having to face the anger of an interested recipient of our publications, the trinity brochure and the blue creation book - he was never a witness, but showed me the dishonesty and twisting of quotes etc in these book - I was absolutely gutted. It felt like cold water running through my veins.

    I'd spent my witness life, anguishing over presenting the best witness to others, in behaviour and words - and then I learnt I'd be delivering the most appallingly deceitful publications - why should anyone trust us?

    There's no 'well this is a concept and general interpretation we are offering for public discussion' - it was a case of believe and swallow everything in this book NOW or you can't be a servant of Jehovah.

    'smooth words' comes to mind..

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