We're not trying to convert you

by jws 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • FayeDunaway

    My mother always said 'we're not here to convert you on your doorstep.' And in my mind I always said 'no, she wants you to invite her inside for that. Have at least 6 months of studies, come to meetings. THEN you will have been converted.'

    Honestly tho, the longer she talked at doors the better. That meant my next turn might never come that day which was just awesome.

  • LV101

    Ahh, yes -- the narcissist I studied with told me the JWs are not on a membership drive like the churches -- hahaha! Also was told by one of the study conductors that the cult had become quite selective re/members -- seriously!! Selective -- not a chance! I thought how do your existing members determine who is good enough, etc., to be a part of God's congregation. I was so deluded at the time thought the JWs were just doing a life saving work because the churches weren't.

  • jws

    LV101 wrote:

    Also was told by one of the study conductors that the cult had become quite selective re/members

    Selective? Wow! That's a good one. From what I could see, they took anyone, nuts or not. And my guess is most people had some issues (whether visibly nuts or not).

    To me, that sounds like an excuse for why membership isn't growing.

  • berrygerry

    Dubs are trained to be forthright and honest about their objectives, just like the apostles. /s

    Acts 2:37
    37 Now when they heard this they were stabbed to the heart, and they said to Peter and the rest of the apostles: “Men, brothers, what shall we do?” 38 Peter [said] to them: “Repent, and let each one of YOU be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of YOUR sins, and YOU will receive the free gift of the holy spirit.

    Acts 15:3
    3 Accordingly, after being conducted partway by the congregation, these men continued on their way through both Phoe·ni′cia and Sa·mar′i·a, relating in detail the conversion of people of the nations.

  • LV101

    jws - I was told this by a Bethelite no less about 1991-1992. She said the growth had been so phenomenal and the growth so big the society (hate that term) had become more selective -- thus maybe all the questions for baptism. I think it was all hype to recruit members with the idea the cult was really something to be part of and one had to meet certain qualifications. I don't know, but I'd already decided to never become baptized after experiencing so many problems with the people until --- anyway, the PO and another determining issue and I had mental slippage (obviously) -- stupid me.

  • LisaRose

    No, we are not trying to convert you.

    No, we are not a cult.

    We abhor child abuse and do not tolerate it in our organization.

    We believe in families, following bible principles as one of Jehovah's witnesses will ensure a happy family life. It's not our fault if you cannot talk to your husband, wife, child, mother, father, etc., you should have stopped them from leaving.

    This system of things can't last much longer, becoming a Jehovah's witness is the only way to ensure your survival at Armageddon.

    Prayer, meeting attendance, field service, bible study and obedience are all you need to be happy, if you are not happy you need to work harder at those things.

    We only disfellowship unrepentant sinners. It is, of course, a sin to not believe in god's appointed faithful slave, which we appointed ourselves to be. So, if you doubt us, that is unrepentant sin.

    We do not tell others to refuse blood transfusions, they just decided that based on their own bible based conscience.

    No, we never predicted the world would end in 1897, 1914, 1925, 1975. Some mysterious, unnamed people just imagined that, WE never said that. So believe us when we say it will be very, very, very soon.

    A generation is a lifetime. Well, two lifetimes, if subject a knew subject b who lived earlier, or if their lives overlapped,. Actually, it could overlap by three generations, you never know. But definitely in OUR Lifetime. Maybe.

    The lies just get deeper the further you wade it. Best wear hip boots.

  • smiddy

    Theocratic warfare is just another term for lying , and vice- versa.,... Pun intended


  • Heaven
    Religion is all about the attempt to twist reality or outright lie to further their agenda. It is very difficult to remain intellectually honest and religious. The 2 are not compatible with one another.
  • stuckinarut2
    Well said lisarose!
  • Zoos

    I actually heard an elder (the most arrogant, @$$#073 of an elder I ever met) say from the platform, "Don't tell people we're not trying to convert them. OF COURSE we're trying to convert them."

    That single moment of unabashed honesty about what was really going on got stuck in my head.

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