The "most honest people" on earth....?

by stuckinarut2 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    JW's are neither better nor worse than the general population really. They are just a segment. There are JW's that are outstanding citizens, kind, and thoughtful. many live their beliefs with integrity, integrity which can even put them at odds with their own religion at times.

    Then there are JW's that steal, don't pay their debts, take advantage of the system, lie, molest, murder, etc.... They are probably in the same % as the population as a whole.

    There are plenty of articles talking about the need to get business dealings as signed contracts for the sake of peace in the congregation. Is this because they are the most honesest people in the world!? No, its because they are just people.

    We could make an argument that some of the beliefs which transgress normal human decency make them LESS moral or honest than others. The things that quickly come to mind

    Concept of "theocratic warfare"

    Blood refusal and death even for children or family members

    Shunning of those who transgress a law or think differently, carried out in secret meetings where noone may be present but the men judging.

  • fokyc

    The Elders in my wife's congo are the biggest liars I have ever met!

    They are certainly NOT the most honest people anywhere.

  • Vidiot

    OnTheWayOut - "They learn to withhold information and mislead people, but define 'honest' as not directly telling a lie. Then they make exceptions to even that definition by making decisions about who deserves truthful information."

    Jeezus, at that point, the diference between "truth" and "lies" becomes f**king meaningless.

  • Finkelstein

    The most honest people in the world that will tell you half truths and lies to create a pretentious truth.

    Its descriptively ingrained into every JWS as spiritual warfare by the WTS leaders themselves.

    The WTS heads make the lies and the JWS are avowed to serve and offer them to the public as preach the Gospel (Good News) of this world coming to an end ahhh doesn't that just warm your heart ?

  • Finkelstein

    The most honest people in the world that will tell you half truths and lies to create a pretentious truth.

    Its descriptively ingrained into every JWS as spiritual warfare by the WTS leaders themselves.

    The WTS heads make the lies and the JWS are avowed to serve and offer them to the public as preaching the Gospel (Good News) of this world coming to an end........... ahhh doesn't that just warm your heart ?

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    Iown Mylife ' ... But aren't you supposed to be able to trust the most honest people on EARTH? By cracky I paid all my debts, sometimes it took longer than it should've. But they are PAID...'

    You can say that again,'by cracky'!

  • Heartsafire

    This is a classic WT lie that further inflates the elitism within the r&f.

    Another that drives me bonkers: "JW's are the happiest people on earth," (Riiight...Tell that to the local pharmacist).

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