The "most honest people" on earth....?

by stuckinarut2 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stuckinarut2

    Have we noticed how often the society uses comments like this?

    "Jehovah's witnesses are the most honest people...etc"

    While it may be true that witnesses as a whole are decent, law abiding people, are they truely "honest" when the very foundation of beliefs are based on mistruths?

    The many facts about their history that the society has hidden, or the many doctrinal issues, or scandals the society has been and is involved with could be defined as "dishonesty"...

    (feel free to list examples)


  • zeb

    I had a jw dud me over a building work. the elders held 'committee' meetings that later "were not real committee meetings"..? and had no notes to read.

    A couple just married were sold a car by a brother that cost them a fortune to rebuild as it nearly fell apart just after they bought it.

    another bro and elder had a car that somehow shattered its reverse gear. He traded it in at a dealers not telling them of the fault.
  • StephaneLaliberte

    If you start talking about the pyramids and how Charles Russel derived prophecies from its measurements, there will be an uncomfortable moment. JWs will immediately question your motives. On the other hand, if you talk about David sinning with Bath Sheba, they will say: The bible is truth as it did not hide anything!

    The fact that there is a sizable discomfort about talking about anything negative about the WT is a big problem and makes them dishonest.

  • Finkelstein

    How can a group of people who support with steadfast devotion to an religious publishing house that has shown to lie and deceive the general public in its inherent literature proliferation ?

    I think there is dishonesty there as well a bit of stupidity and ignorance.

  • stuckinarut2

    There have been so many examples of articles with mis quotes, and incorrect information.

    Also, many slight of hand tricks used in re-writing history and articles. (Eg bound volumes and online have altered information compared to the original articles)

    Lies said during the royal commission...


  • GrreatTeacher

    Did every convention have the experience about a worldly person who tested the honesty of the JWs by dropping a hundred dollar bill at the convention which they had previously written down the serial number for.

    Then they go to Lost and Found looking for it and, lo and behold, the bill is there with the correct serial number!

    I'm pretty sure it was all made up.

  • megaboy

    Be careful of the writing styles of the articles, if you inspect them (ironically enough) they aren't being honest.

    The writing styles are written in a "convincing" and subtle manner. While this is not an issue alone it is made for you to subconsciously at the least, view what they write as reasonable (so you are already meeting them a bit past half way if you come in neutral or with limited knowledge), when in many cases a conclusion they present is actually quite foolish and illogical. Its not really the same as a car salesman, as its more so how it is said to you than what is said (or in this case written) that you should be weary of.

    If they could using certain language give an appearance of "logical" writing in a calming manner that you would be able to jump off of a cliff and fly, it very well might convince someone.

  • baker
    The followers are basically honest just as the general population, Its the leaders who earn the title as dishonest.
  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri
    In keeping with Tony Morris lll speak, [we are the thinkingest people in the world] would it not be more correct to call JW's the 'most honestest people in the world"?
  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    megaboy ' ... Its not really the same as a car salesman, as its more so how it is said to you than what is said (or in this case written) that you should be weary of..."

    Are you saying that JW's are the most honest car salesmen in the world?

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