Hide and Watch (Monsters are about to reveal themselves)

by Terry 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry
    It is said of drunken behavior "I didn't know what I was doing - I was drunk." As if alcohol MAKES people do things against their own character and temperament.
    I've known just a few alcoholics in my lifetime. My Father was one, for instance. My Dad assured me this is not true.
    He said: "People become who they really are when inhibitions are down - and alcohol pulls back that curtain."
    Why am I talking about Alcoholism and bad behavior??
    Read on, gentle reader - read on ...
    Politics and alcohol both pull back the curtain of inhibitions - the same curtain on human character and behavior.
    People BECOME who they really are when frustrated politically
    and - believe me - it ain't pretty!
    We are about to witness just what sort of people we are and to what ends we'll go to have our way. NOTE: When I say, "Our way" I adamantly refuse to include myself!
    I loathe politics. True Believers scare the shit out of me!
    I had a terrifying 20 years as another kind of True Believer (religious fanatic JW) and I'd have done anything / risked everything for that crazy belief.
    Politics is just another False Religion in my opinion.
    One citizen's "god" vs the other citizen's "god."
    NO ROOM FOR COMPROMISE exists in these matters.
    We are on the cusp of an extravagant madness about to erupt where the amount of lies, threats, fear-mongering, and outright belligerence will turn your blood cold.
    True Believers are monsters disguised as Saviors of Civilization.
    Puritans are dangerous and murderous. It's their way or no way.
    Hide and watch - the unveiling is about to begin.
  • mickbobcat

    I am surprised there was not more rioting over Ruth Buzzy getting replaced. Maybe the animals are getting tired.

  • pistolpete

    Politics is just another False Religion....rue Believers are monsters disguised as Saviors of Civilization...........Puritans are dangerous and murderous. It's their way or no way.

    I agree, but politics has been around since the humans species appeared on the planet. It's a necessary evil needed for people to try to work together.

    "Every community, no matter how small, has some form of politics. Even the marriage arrangement. Politics are fundamentally based on the power displays and the compromises people must make in order to live together in a harmonious society."

    The problem is that "Eventually" some power hungry individual or group of individuals, want access to ALL the Power and the Goods that power brings. This grab will be based on ideologies -(Beliefs) that will be formed in the minds of some, and challenge the current structure.

    Thus when this happens, the seedlings of WAR begin slowly and undetected---Until finally all hell breaks loose and the innocent observers pay the price---with their life..

  • Terry

    The most publicly ruthless political figure in my lifetime was MALCOM X who made clear his margin
    of tolerance in addressing progress toward an end goal. "By any means necessary."
    Shotgun blasts against him demonstrated he'd made his point.
    He'd seen through to the lie about the leader of the American Black Muslims: young naive women/girls.

  • Driveby

    We've gone way beyond politics, but I agree (assuming I am in agreement) that personality has a great deal to do with Party affiliation. There are other influences as well, but our mental makeup determines who we tend to group with. What we have in America is a group of old white men who are losing their grip on power and they'll do anything to keep in control. They are frightened, afraid of change, afraid of anyone who looks differently, believes differently, dresses differently. You can easily see this seeping out in the many posts made to this forum.

    "We regard political conservatism as an ideological belief system that is significantly (but not completely) related to motivational concerns having to do with the psychological management of uncertainty and fear. Specifically, the avoidance of uncertainty (and the striving for certainty) may be particularly tied to one core dimension of conservative thought, resistance to change (Wilson, 1973c). Similarly, concerns with fear and threat may be linked to the second core dimension of conservatism, endorsement of inequality (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999)." http://www.sulloway.org/PoliticalConservatism(2003).pdf

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    I think the political system in the US certainly on the federal level just simply sucks.

    One of the reason is because a person has the capability to cultivate backing support without first a evaluation screening process conducted by the politcal party to which a individual self proclaims they are a member of.

    This is so in Canada and England for example .

  • Driveby

    Mr. Finkelstein, I basically understand UK politics since spend about half the year there each year. I suppose some Americans would be shocked to learn that the UK doesn't have a written constitution, but the US founders could never have predicted that a huge political party would succumb to the authority of a populist president. The checks and balances have failed us. Our democracy is as close as it has ever been to collapsing.

    BTW, when I'm in the UK and Western Europe, folks are reluctant to bring up Trump when they learn that I'm an American for fear that I may be a Trump supporter, but when I tell them what I think of Trump, they are not only relieved but become instant friends.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    I can see that happening Driveby, Trump certainly has support in the US but outside in others countries , not so much.

  • Terry
    Note: In July of 2013 President Obama invited RBG to a private dinner to explain how important it was for her to retire so that he could have the opportunity of replacing her before Democrats lost control of the Senate.
    Ruth Bader Ginsberg refused.
    And That -as they say - is THAT!

    Democratic leaders had precious few cards they could have played as they contemplated their options with Justice Ginsburg. She made it clear in several interviews that she had no intention to retire; widowed in 2010, she was devoted to her work, determined to have a voice and appreciated the platform her celebrity offered her as an icon liberals liked to call the “Notorious R.B.G.”

    She was clearly annoyed at any public suggestions that she step down. In 2014, Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the law school at the University of California at Berkeley, wrote articles, appearing in The Los Angeles Times and Politico, declaring that for the long-term good of progressive values, Justice Ginsburg should step aside to make way for a younger Obama appointee.

    “It was certainly conveyed to me that she was not pleased with those who were suggesting that she retire,” Mr. Chemerinsky said.

  • Phizzy

    " Politics is just another False Religion in my opinion."

    The similarity between certain people in Politics, politicians themselves, activists and Party members , and the members of religious Cults is certainly evident.

    The hanging on to a "belief" despite the huge evidence against that belief being just one symptom, another is being prepared to lie, cheat and even use violence to support their position.

    Political Cult members are as Mind Controlled as religious Cult members, and far more dangerous to the wider Community.

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