I Got A Job!!! w00 h00!

by Yizuman 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hamas

    Yippppeeeee !!!!

    Yizzy, I'm so pleased for you man. I know all to well how bad luck and unemployment can knock you down, but you did it man ! You beat the system !

    Well done, my friend !!!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Thats good news man. Ive read your threads about life on the streets and Im glad youve got a shot at regular life again. Everytime I read about you in the doss house with the winos and druggies I would think of Der Feuhrer. Adolf started off on the streets, Im sure you know. And you look like him ...a bit, in your pic.

    Better that you have a regular job I think.

  • shamus

    I am so happy for you Yiz! Keep on going up!!!!

    Look toward the future, not the past, and all will be just how you imagine it!!!!!

  • Been there
    Been there

    Congratulations Yiz!

    Will you be able to sleep during the day at your "Home" or do they kick everyone out during the day? Maybe it will be quieter. Um.......I mean no bed shaking. Duh!!!!!! Is 32 hours considered full time? I'm so happy for you, Good Luck.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Congrats Yiz Life is Movin on up

  • Yizuman
    Been There writes: Congratulations Yiz!


    Will you be able to sleep during the day at your "Home" or do they kick everyone out during the day? Maybe it will be quieter. Um.......I mean no bed shaking. Duh!!!!!! Is 32 hours considered full time? I'm so happy for you, Good Luck.

    No I can sleep on my bed all day, providing that dude doesn't come in during the day starts laying down causing the bed to shake and wake me up.

    So, hopefully there won't be much problems, except for the fact that a times someone swings the bathroom door and bangs my bed. Of all bed spots I get put on a bed next to the bathroom door!

    *Sigh!* Oh Well!

    Is 32 hours considered full time?

    Sort of, alot of companies are trying to avoid a full 40 hrs, but in some cases it can't be helped if someone calls in sick and I may end up pulling a double shift. But extra hrs is what I will need.


  • happyout


    Happyout (happy for you)

  • Reborn2002


  • blondie

    Great news, Yizu!

    Is 3rd shift from 11 pm to 7 am? I worked that shift when I was in law enforcement. It's a quiet time of night.


  • Kenneson

    Hi Yizu,

    This is great. I'm very proud of you. Keep on impressing us!

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