Besides Everlasting Life What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Offer To Anyone?

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    I see Bourneidenty has already covered what Simon said, "They only offer the promise of everlasting life, that is a long way short of actually getting it." - I thought they only have a hope of everlasting life if they are associated with the borg and then only if they are 'good enough'. Is this still correct? I remember in their literature it said something to the effect, "you must be associated with the jah's organization to have any hope...." Maybe I missed some new light?

    They offer black and white answers to everything, no need for pesky research, thought and effort. You also have immediate 'friends', never mind they are completely conditional to your standing in the cong.

    You get to feel superior to everyone else except when you don't depending on the brow beating sessions when they tell you to do more. Then you get to feel like a piece of crap that deserves to be zapped out of existence, but then again, maybe, just maybe another day in fs will stop the madness? hmm, don't think too hard just do.

    If your family has issues and some are, shall I say, the black sheep of the family you have the warm fuzzies knowing you will not have to deal with such riff-raff in the 'new system'.

    I am on a roll! I could keep going but will leave it to others to expand upon.

  • DesirousOfChange

    They also offer "instant friends" via their "love bombing".

    Yes, we have learned they are "conditional" friends (vs true friends), but it feels good when you're "IN".

    Yes, we have learned they will "unfriend you" in a flash (and I don't mean just Facebook) if told to do so by the JW Pharisees -- even parents, children, brothers, sisters.

    Yes, we have learned it's really all about "control".

  • Ding

    Public speaking and salesmanship training

  • hybridous

    It also strikes me that what we have here is some kind of perverse symbiotic relationship between the jovie converts and the jovie faith. The jovie faith needs the converts just as much as the converts need the faith,

    This also explains the great sense of loss that a jovie feels when they leave the jovie sewer.

    Great insight, here. I am seeing a parallel to individual relationships that are abusive, but tolerated. The abused party's internal calculus concludes that it's somehow better to be abused, then to not be in the relationship at all. Thus, it continues on.

    The WT, like an abusive partner, makes sure that there's a high price for leaving. It's been mentioned a million times - the WT can't be reformed. The DFing is an essential tool of control for the

  • Vidiot
    minimus - "Besides everlasting life, what do Jehovah’s Witnesses offer to anyone?"

    Birdcage liner? :smirk:

  • carla


    They don't even do that much anymore do they? Don't they go to the doors with their devices and tell people to go the website now? What are bird owners to do now?

  • minimus

    It’s not so much a publishing house anymore it’s a real estate business.

  • Finkelstein

    How about oppression, ignorance, fear, guilt , death , exploitation via corruption, anxiety.

    The list goes on

  • slimboyfat

    Not food anyway. Most small churches bring and share food. But you never get food at the KH. Not even at Assemblies and Conventions, since the “simplified” food arrangement. Sharing food is incredibly important for relgious communities. So it is striking that JWs share no food at the KH. They sometimes go out to restaurants together or have barbecues, but that’s not the same, and other churches do that as well as sharing food at their place of worship.

  • Tameria2001

    The only thing the JWs offer are lies, and how to sell those lies to others.

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