Headline: "Islamic Invasion: Europe now scrambles for guns." How true is this?

by cappytan 155 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty
    The West should get their paws out of their riches and their business.

    The Caliphate does not recognise international borders. It will very soon become our business if we do nothing.

    What riches are you referring to? Have you seen the state of Syria?

  • prologos
    The "right" is not called right for nothing. defensive wars have been fought in Europe for millennia to preserve national, tribal identity, integrity of borders. It allowed the emergence of beautiful distinct cultures. Elgard, Bach, Debussy, Chopin, Tschaikovsky--. now, all this is destined to be underwhelmed, by groups that invade, hide their own woman , but think of nothing raping the enemy, the young. think Rotham. This is ethnic warfare, The middle east will have 76 degrees temperature, by 2070. guns? most effective at the border.
  • WingCommander

    Take a good, long, hard look at the Macys response above. This is from someone with relatives in these countries. (Sweden, Germany). I have heard Sweden in particular is BAD, so much so that most of the Jewish population that settled in after WWII, has left Stockholm and returned to Israel due to the Islamic persecution of them. I heard this about 2 years ago already. This isn't "sensationalism". This is FACT. Muslims moving into parts of France, England, etc, and then trying to enact Sharia Law into effect isn't "Sensationalism", it's happened, and IS happening.

    Those of us living in America damned sure better take note: This is what is coming to our soil. It's been getting worse and worse in cities like Detroit, as well as Buffalo. I know, I've been there and seen it. Ever get to Niagara Falls, USA or Canadian side? Looks like you're in the Middle East. It's uncomfortable. I'll bet the Swedes and Germans wish they had more firepower. The immigrants somehow seem to find them? I'm baffled; I mean, what about the GUN LAWS these countries have? Good for keeping the innocent civilians unarmed like Sheeple, while the immigrants import in the AK's, etc for terrorizing. (Example: That rampage a few months ago in France with those guys sporting AK's, all the while the French had to run away and hide due to being unarmed)

    An unarmed population is a population of victims waiting to be taken advantage of by a stronger-willed, defiant, intolerant, armed invading force who don't care about your laws, civility, or religion. They don't have to march in like the Nazis either; they'll just "immigrate" in, settle in, breed, take advantage of your societies Social Welfare structure (again, Sweden is hurting right now from the weight), and then vote themselves into office to push their agendas. Basically, winning by attrition.

    Europe with their pussified, pacifist mentality is already a lost cause as far as I'm concerned. There is hope for Australia, as they are starting to drop the hammer on immigration. (As I've heard from a few Aussie friends at least). Canada better take note. USA: I'm up in the air. Southern California might as well join Mexico.

  • Daniel1555

    The Syrian refugees flee from terror and war.

    It is obvious that no one can live a decent life in this hell of a war. Any normal person in such a situation would do anything possible to flee from such a place.

    Many people in Germany are extremely helpful and many volunteer to help those refugees.

    Germany and Sweden take most of the refugees in an unprecedented humanitarian effort. All my respect to them. I think all of us living in this area must do what we could to help those refugees. We can't let them freeze to death on fields in eastern europe.

    In general, people in Europe know exactly, that weapons or firearms are no protection at all from crime and terrorism.

    I am proud of this and the fact that human rights and the "pussified" pascifism is the heart of european society.

    In my company (Swiss Railways) I am happy to see that there are a lot of foreigners and also muslim colleagues. To commit an act of terrorism would not cross their minds because they enjoy this free society based on human rights more than islamic fundamentalism.

  • Finkelstein

    The Watchtower Corporation used bullshit sensationalism to lure attention to their printed journals.

    The guy who wrote that article for the WND , a Christian right wing sponsored organization, is trying to

    infer that the refugees coming from Syria are going to be dangerous Islamic extremists who will be violent

    against the Christian citizens to where they are establishing refugee status.

    Be wary all Christians in Europe, be on alert.

    Hey if you want to attract more attention to the articles you write you might as well bullshit a little, in doing so you'll probably end up attracting more attention otherwise.

  • cofty

    Confusing the issue of migration with gun control is to miss the point.

    I don't disagree with WC entirely but arming the population to deal with an Islamist threat would be insane. In the UK citizens do not need or want guns. We have ceded that right to the police and it works very well for us.

    To claim that the UK is in any danger of sharia law is risible. It will never happen. The only person in any sort of position of influence that ever suggested Muslims should be allowed to apply sharia law to family issues was the idiot in the frock Carey who used to be the archbishop of Canterbury.

    Cameron got it right by refusing to accept migrants from Europe and instead take vetted refugees straight from camps on the Syrian border. That is where they all should have stayed while the UN dealt with their situation.

    Somebody made the point earlier that not one wealthy Muslim country in the Middle East offered asylum and interestingly none of the refugees wanted to go there.

  • krejames

    What strikes me about this thread and particularly those posts that are saying the report is accurate, is that everything is hearsay. "I have heard" this or that. Evidential references to non-extreme right wing sources might make the story more credible.

    i live in London and, yes, there was a "sharia law London" sensationalist story around the time that UKIP were campaigning for support but surprise surprise those stories have disappeared. And it was nothing to do with this refugee crisis.

    I'm sure there are problems and tensions in some areas. There are bound to be. These people have fled horrific situations and are probably very disturbed. I haven't heard of a rush to buy guns to defend ourselves. But that's not to say it doesn't happen in some places and probably says more about the way the situation is being managed than anything else.

    And to those saying we should mind our own business and let the Middle East countries sort out their own problems, I'm afraid that door closed a long time ago. Arguably we would not be having this very crisis if we had kept our noses out of other countries control of their own oil supplies and hadn't tried to topple dictators under the guise of "doing the right thing" but really for our own interests.

    We in the west did a lot to create the current problems that these people are fleeing. Yes I'm sure Isis will use the situation to infiltrate but our leaders made our bed and so we have to lie in it unfortunately.

  • krejames
    Cofty makes a good point
  • freemindfade

    arm yourselves against islam!

  • macys

    I am sorry if I seem overly emotional about this topic but it is very dear to me because I am close to my family in Europe. I did not even read the article and I can not say how much of it is true or not so I will send this link to my family and see if they can verify it.

    My family on this side of the pond are mostly JDubs and shun me as if I do not exist. I have gotten over it mostly but it still hurts. My Dfing has proven who are my true family and friends. So I did not come here to talk much about off topic topics but this one is something that affects me personally. It is so easy for someone in the comfort of their own home behind their computer sitting there with the alarm system on to say that every European country should open their borders to everyone who claims to be a refugee but I guarantee that sentiment always changes when they are personally affected by it.

    I lived with my cousins in Germany in 2010 before this whole thing started. I am very much a big hearted person and I love to help people. It is in my nature to be this way. So when there are real legitimate refugees then I would love to help and even maybe donate something to help them. But this whole situation, the way it suddenly appeared raises many questions which makes me think if this is a plot to break down the homogeneous European society. I mean the war in Syria, in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan has been going on for many years now but only now suddenly everyone decides to come all at once like they got an open invitation? And why are these people traveling 4000 miles to Europe when they can go 600 miles to Turkey or Qatar or Saudi Arabia or UAE where they already speak Arabic or Farsi and have similar customs and the same religion? Europe is a Christian and secular continent with a variety of different languages and culture that are nothing like where these refugees are coming from. And also why is that 90% of these refugees are men? Where are the whole families? Why did Saudi Arabia reject taking more than a few hundred Syrians but offer to give Germany over 2 Billion euros to build 200 Mosques? It makes no sense to me. And why is Russia the one country that is really going after ISIS in Syria while the USA and Saudi Arabia are backing the rebels to overthrow Assad? And why does Germany and Sweden not simply verify the identity of these refugees while in their own countries instead of letting them travel illegally thousands of miles across Europe and then claim to have no paperwork with them? Again something is not right with this whole picture. And it has my family in Europe asking the same questions as I. As my aunt says we should not allow our altruism to blind our reasoning and sense. Sensationalism or not this is a crisis of epic proportions.

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