Headline: "Islamic Invasion: Europe now scrambles for guns." How true is this?

by cappytan 155 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    What Village Idiot said.

    A group of refugees landed at a British RAF base in Cyprus. They have been provided with all the provisions they could want while their claims for asylum are being processed. They are rioting and burning their tents demanding immediate transport to a country of their choice.


  • truthseeker100
    Cofty you are a perfect example of evolution!!
  • redvip2000

    A group of refugees landed at a British RAF base in Cyprus. They have been provided with all the provisions they could want while their claims for asylum are being processed. They are rioting and burning their tents demanding immediate transport to a country of their choice.

    Instead you hear these stories of demands from these folks which truly bother me. IMO anybody that complains about being in temporary housing should be immediately put on a plane and sent back to the hell hole they came from. Anybody that complains about paying cash for prescriptions or about requiring male staff because they are muslims should be put on a plane and immediately sent to the shit hole hospital they have, back in the hell hole they lived in. Any that disrespects any official at the host country or is not willing to comply with all instructions should be immediately detailed and put on a ship on their way back to the hell hole they lived in.

    For all the others who are able to behave like reasonable people, they should be allowed to stay in temporary housing and monitored until conditions in their country are restored, then they should be shipped back. It is not fair that countries that barely have enough for their own, now having to provide for these folks.

    In the same manner if i welcomed someone in need into my home with my family, they would be allowed to stay only until it was reasonable enough for them to go out and resume their lives, as to not affect the well being of my own.

  • jookbeard
    the refugees rioting in Cyprus was particularly disgusting, I was appalled by the lack to gratitude and it cant be very easy for the British service staff supervising them
  • cofty
    The irony is that the RAF personnel who are helping these people will be paying for their own room and board out of their salary.
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    "the refugees rioting in Cyprus was particularly disgusting, I was appalled by the lack to gratitude and it cant be very easy for the British service staff supervising them"

    One must be cautious in overgeneralizing what most of immigrants feel based on those who protest. Those who protest are likely to be in the minority of the group. Those who do feel grateful are not the ones who will be making the biggest stink.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    "Village Idiot wouldn't you want what these people seek? All they want is to be free!!"

    Yes, absolutely! I want them to be free in their land after they've liberated it with our help.

    If you only had a hundred thousand of them then perhaps they could get permanent refugee status unconditionally. However you're going to have millions and then tens of million fleeing their countries. There is a practical limit to how many refugees Europe can take in.

    People have to get creative and firm in handling problems like this.

  • truthseeker100
    People have to be free !!Thier just a virus competing to be free like everybody else!! Anyone disagree??
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    truthseeker, what about the merits or demerits of my plan? Do you think it would provide a way for them to gain their freedom?
  • pepperheart
    Millions of the refugees were living in camps around syria and the world food programe that had been feeding about 4 million people for the last four years and last year the wfp ran out of money so millions of people had the choice stay with no food or move and maybe get food etc.So loads of people paid the people smugglers to go on to the boats accross to greece and start making their way through the balkens and then central europe .Also if people can give free money to the banks in 2008 rember aig royal bank of scotland fred goodwin then i think a bit money to people that really need it will not hurt

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