JW Children and Immunizations

by LDH 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    If you act now, we'll send you an extra bottle of bullshit for free!

    (And of course, this paragraph is an outstanding example of TWO PIECES of NEW LIGHT!!!! and one piece of recycled bullshit)

    Old view: Vaccination never prevented anything and never will

    New View: Of course you should be vaccinated, dumb-ass! Everyone in their right minds gets vaccinated!

    Old View Use your rights as American citizens

    New View Political voice? What rights?

    Old View We are in the last days

    New View We are in the last days

    Some things never change. Yet, if you show the paragraph above to a JW the response you will likely get includes:

    "This was published in 1929! There's been new light! That is OLD!!!! (So Jehovah apparently wasn't dealing directly with the WT in 1929? )For you to look this shit up, you are just *trying* to find something to complain about."


    Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated Class

  • LDH

    Hey Guys,

    I really need two things. I don't have any reference literature. I tried quotes.jehovahswitness.com but couldn't find it.

    1. the reference to immunizations being 'pus-filled'

    2. I need to know if the WT ever made an official RETRACTION of their position on vaccinations.


    Help me! Class

  • LDH

    Sorry if I seem to be talking to myself here. I found part, but not all.

    In The Watchtower, Dec. 15 1952, p. 764, the dramatic reversal is hidden in a Question from Readers section:
    • Is vaccination a violation of God's law forbidding the taking of blood into the system? -G. C., North Carolina.

    The motive for the quick turnabout is immediately apparent from the answer:
    "The matter of vaccination is one for the individual that has to face it to decide for himself. . . . And our Society cannot afford to be drawn into the affair legally or take the responsibility for the way the case turns out." [bold added]
  • blondie

    "Avoid serum inoculations and vaccinations as they pollute the blood stream with their filthy pus . " - The Golden Age, Nov. 13, 1929, pp. 106, 107

    "A CERTAIN "health" commissioner offered the suggestion a short time ago that no mother could give her child a better present for "Christmas" than diphtheria immunization, meaning an injection of filthy and poisonous serum.

    It is said that diphtheria is particularly deadly of late, and that seems likely. Parents cannot give their children the foods needed to build sturdy bodies that can resist the disease. But while parents are not able to get proper foods, they can get the serum injections for their children free.

    The Devil is bent on destroying the human family, denying them the necessary comforts of life, and urging them to give their children "Christmas" presents of germ-laden pus. What a travesty of civilization!" - The Golden Age, Mar. 27, 1935, p. 409

    "...the irrefutably logical fact that serums and vaccines are products of contamination...rise in cancer is attributed to the use of serums...for the best part they are but handicaps to inherent healing forces of the human body...these are by-products of pus matter...in reality and action it is worse than the proverbial "seven plagues"...One may go through life without having serious manifestations of what has been injected into his blood-stream, thus thinking he was "immunized", but, suddenly, it may begin its satanic work on his child, or even "unto third and fourth generation". - Consolation, Mar. 22, 1939, p. 21

    ...the vaccination law reduces the father and mother to mere slavery, almost as bad as the colored people were in, when their children were put up on the block and sold. In many slave-sale cases the mother and father were even forbidden to shed tears. Vaccination is a direct violation of the everlasting covenant that God made with Noah after the flood. - The Golden Age, February 4, 1931, p. 293


  • LDH

    Sorry I haven't had a chance to get back to this post.

    Blondie, thank so much for finding that info. It seems that regarding the retraction of the Society's earlier view on vaccinations, the only time they offered any advice in the 1950's it was couched in terms of them not being responsible if you chose not to innoculate your child.


    Anyhow, Six, I wanted to offer you some reasons why you may wish to take your child to the Dr. even when she's not 'sick.'

    This is a brief, non-medical list of symptoms your physician would look for during well child visits.

    1. Spinal growth--strong and straight. Scoliosis is NOT always visible to the eye.

    2. Vision problems may be undiagnosed.

    3. Hearing problems may be undiagnosed.

    4. LEAD LEVELS. Highly dangerous, yet by the time most symptoms present, it's too late. A child has brain damage.

    5. BMI Body mass index. Looking for patterns of eating disorders or obesity.

    6. Overall social development/Family social structure

    When I was about 18, I frequently babysat for a physician's family. One time, his wife ( a Registered Nurse) told me she had to take the 4 year old to the doctor--she thought he had an Upper Respiratory Infection. I thought that was silly! I asked why her husband didn't just treat the kid?!?!?

    She explained that every parent's judgement is clouded when it comes to their child's medical condition--she stated that Doctors in fact do not treat their family members. The potential for emotions getting in the way of their patient care is much too high.

    You may think your daughter is healthy, and in fact she may be. The fact is though, that the human body is not perfect. Something is wrong with her--and every other child! The question is-will you find out about it while it is treatable?


  • Odrade

    There's a huge community that believes vaccinations are doing more harm than good. Adverse reactions are commonplace, and often underreported. I'm not saying one way or another, but it's not a JW thing to not vaccinate. Officially, they stay out of it now. Although in some congregations there still may be some people dredging up old WT articles to try and sway people to their personal opinion. Not vaccinating is really more of an alternative medicine, holistic thing.

    Mainly the thimerisol (mercury) has been of concern-- look at all the litigation re: MMR vacc and autism. There are some valid arguments and some really ridiculous ones. Here's a link.


    Again, not necessarily my own opinion. Just something from my files...


  • LDH


    All medical decisions come down to personal choice. That's not news. However, echoing the sentiments of an earlier poster who stated the only reason SOME have the option not to vaccinate is that the rest of us are doing it.

    I hardly think that if there was an new outbreak of the polio epidemic, any thinking parent would deny their child the vaccination. That disease caused so much death and pain and suffering before Dr. Jonas Salk pioneered the vaccine. Now, some take for granted the great strides medicine has made in eliminating the disease and make poor decisions not to vaccinate based on incomplete information or old wives tales.

    I'm not advocating a blanket acceptance on vaccinations. When my 13 year old had her first round of DTP at two months old, the pertussis component caused a violent reaction 4 hours later, right on cue. When she went back for her 4 month set of vaccinations, I would not allow that one to be administered again. The pediatrician offered me the DT without the P. No reaction.

    Unless you are a conspiracy theorist, you might enjoy the reading below on the CDC's website.

    And yes, as I stated at the beginning of the thread, I'm aware that others than just JWs refused to immunize their children.

    Interestingly, one of the bits of propoganda that the Taliban is spreading is that by Muslims being vaccinated, the side effect is that they become sterile= genocide. And we couldn't have a sterile suicide bomber on is way to heaven with 70 virgins, now could we? Most arguments against vaccination sound just about as lame brained as this one, IMHO.


    Mom Class

  • stephaniesays

    "Absolutely not. We're intelligent people. We know when we are sick and when we are well. I think most people do themselves a great disservice by their medical wimpiness. Dr's are good for disease and emergencies and real sickness. They aren't needed for probably 70% of the things people go to them for. "

    Just wanted to say that we do things in our family much the same way. People think I am negligent, and yet, I have three kids who have never (literally) had an infection or any type of health problem, and are all in the 90th percentile for height and weight. I get the same attitude for breastfeeding my kids past 1 year, not circumcising my sons, and for giving birth at home, but I feel just as strongly about what I do or don't do, as others do. I simply don't believe in taking my healthy child to an office of sick children for them to be weighed, measured, and looked at-well baby visits are 99% for shots, and as I don't do shots (family history that makes me uncomfortable, and a friend whose child died a vaccine related death), I don't feel the need for well baby visits.

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