Anyone have an extra "Learning from the Great Teacher" book??

by lisaBObeesa 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • lisaBObeesa

    I would very much like a copy of this book.

    Does anyone have one they would be willing to part with? I would pay for your trouble and for shipping...


  • Scully


    I asked for a copy from a family member recently. I was told that the Society was only distributing one copy per household at the assemblies. Extra copies would have to wait until they were ordered through the local congregations.

    Love, Scully

  • lisaBObeesa

    How long do ya think 'till they get to the halls?

  • Scully

    If memory serves, I believe they used to start offering the "Bible Stories" and the pink "Great Teacher" books door-to-door around December. You know.... when all those bad worldly people set aside a few days out of the year to think about Jesus. Gotta capitalize on everyone's guilt complex, dontcha know... I think they used to recommend stocking up beginning in September. heh heh... stocking!! oh the irony!!

    Love, Scully

  • Rick Aust
    Rick Aust

    Are you referring to the OLD PINK "Great Teacher " book..or is this a new release? I am in australia so the USA gets new new books before we do, so please excuse my ingorance. If it is a new book can you please tell me what are the new release's for this years conventions.

    regards from Down Under.

  • unbeliever
    I was told that the Society was only distributing one copy per household at the assemblies.

    My mom was able to get 4 copies and she lives by herself. Sadly mom does not share new releases with her unbelieving children. We're only worthy of the WT and Awake.

  • 95stormfront

    If I'd known that there would've been that much interest in the book I'd have grabbed a handful of them on my way out of the Saturday session as compensation for sitting through that tripe.

  • Hamas

    No, but I have a pile of dog shit that is of equal value.

  • twolips

    i have a copy for you

  • lisaBObeesa


    I will PM you!

    check your messages :)

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