Smurfs Galore

by Yizuman 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    Hey Smurf Lovers!

    You JWs in good standing had better not click on it!!

    You kiddies have a great day!

    P.S. Yeah, I've lost my mind! Anybody seen it?


  • SpunkyChick
    Yeah, I've lost my mind! Anybody seen it?

    Yeah those damned-pagan-satanic-smurfs stole it and put it in their cute fluffy white hats....hehehe

  • razorMind

    Love Love LOVE the finger-wagging smiley!!!

  • Elsewhere

    I've got a question... why, exactly, do JW's think smurfs are demonized? I just did a search on Google about their history and I can't find any relationship between smurfs and satan.

  • smurfette

    Thanks alot Yizuman. Now I have demonized smurfs running all over my house and I have to burn my computer to release it from satan's power. Get off my leg Brainy! Help me Jehover!!

  • smurfette


    The JW's I knew thought they were possessed by Satan because:

    1) Gargamel's a wizard

    2) Azreal the cat's name is also the name of a demon or spirit.

    3) Smurfs are alot like the elves, sprites, brownies, kokapelis, and other miscelaneous woodland spirits of pagan mythology.

    4) According to out KH legend a lady in Chicago's grandchild was clawed by smurfs who came alive off their curtains. Undeniable proof of the Smurfs demonization.

    5) JW's are paranoid and delusional. I was also not allowed to watch Scooby Doo because they are always running into witches, ghosts, and other demonic forces on their wacky adventures. I tried to argue that it's always old man ______ in a mask to no avail.


  • Elsewhere

    I did a little research and found that Azrael is another name for Ezra (also Azra), as in the bible book of Ezra.

    The rest of the stuff is total JW BS.

    Reminds me of how one kid I knew growing up could not watch road runner because his mother said the coyote kept dying and coming back alive. (Only Jesus can do that ya know!) Another kid couldn't watch any cartoons that had animals that talked... too much like what satan did with the snake. There was also my mom... she would not let me watch Casper the Friendly Ghost.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    I've got a question... why, exactly, do JW's think smurfs are demonized?

    Don't know exactly, but here are a few thoughts.

    - I remember hearing a bs story over and over again how a female Jw had bought Smurf curtains (also heard it with wallpaper) for their child's bedroom, and the smurfs jumped off the curtains and terrorized the child.

    - also how a child had a smurf belt (I believe) and it left an imprint of a smurf on his skin.

    - numerous bs stories of kids who had toys and they always made noise in the closet.

    so you can just imagine this story snowballing from one JW to another JW.

    What I think in came down to was ...........

    In the early 80's when the smurfs hit their peek in popularity, I mean it was everywhere, no one had seen anything like it (similiar to the ninja turtles of the late 80's, pokemon, powerpuff girls, power rangers, etc ......)

    And the organization probaly figured kids were getting too caught up in it, remember this was the late 70's early 80's, never had a cartoon been so dominant on TV. (basically the Simpsons of the early 80's)

    And the marketing was incredible from toys to just about everything (remember Star Wars in the 80's), yeah that much stuff was available, it was incredible.

    I guess the Watchtower figured kids and families were spending too much money on this and not enough in the contribution box.

  • Gordy

    The fear of Smurf's seems to be a primarily an American thing.

    Here in Britain they weren't even thought about.

    I remember kids at the Kingdom Hall having Smurf toys.

    They were just considered as another of those irritating kids programs.

    Always wondered how a group of people who considered themselves "Jehovah's only true people on earth" etc that Jehovah was with them.

    Were frightened to death of a bunch of blue skinned little people, thought up for a TV show.

  • NeonMadman
    And the organization probaly figured kids were getting too caught up in it,

    I don't recall the organization ever saying anything officially about smurfs, it was just a rumor that spread among the rank & file.

    In fact, I was at a circuit assembly where they specifically said that there was nothing wrong with smurfs, and that it was wrong to spread rumors like that within the organization. However, the rumor they were really trying to squelch was the one about subliminal pictures in the Society's publications - and those actually were there!

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