Watchtower pressure backfires!

by yesidid 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • OHappyDay

    The Society talks out of both sides of its mouth. On the one hand, there are these kind articles in the Watchtower and books like Draw Close to Jehovah that highlight God's loving mercy and understanding, that indicate that whatever one can do happily is sufficient. On the other hand, there are the guilt-inducing articles and talks that constantly affirm that one's best is still not good enough!

    "Put not your trust in nobles, nor in the son of man, to whom no salvation belongs." That means the "nobles" and men who run the Watchtower Society as well.

    Anyone seeking salvation from that source is due for disappointment.

  • wednesday
    The beatings will continue until morale improves!

    lol that is so funny. love that one.

  • Euphemism
    The Society talks out of both sides of its mouth.

    Too true, OHD. But I think that the examples you describe are more a matter of competing factions within the WTS. I just don't believe that Ted Jaracz or his crew could ever, no matter what their motives or purpose, write stuff like the Draw Close book. That type of thinking is simply beyond them.

  • Mary

    A few months ago, I was exchanging ideas with a co-worker on the different faiths (she's a Christadelphian and they don't believe in Satan the way mainstream Christians do). Anyway, we talked for probably over an hour on the subject (despite all the stuff that Borgdom Land teaches, I still firmly believe in Satan as a wicked spirit) as I explained why I believed in him, and she explained why Christadelphians didn't. It ended all very amicably and I actually happened to mention it to someone at the Hall one night. Next thing I know, one of the elders gets wind of it and enthusiastically "encourages" me to "report that as Time". Well I haven't turned in a Service Report for over 12 years and have no intention of ever doing so and I told him so.

    He seemed rather shocked at my statement and reiterated that Bethel requires us to do this. I responded "please show me from the bible where it was a requirement that 1st century Christians report how many hours they spent preaching, or how many scrolls they placed every month."

    Needless to say, he couldn't.

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