How many want out?

by ignored_one 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • ignored_one


    How many JWs are there currently in the WT who want out but are held back by things they feel they can't control?

    I hear posters say that if they're still JWs then they must believe it. What about the people whose whole family are JWs and don't have any outside friends to turn to or for whatever reason are relying on their JW family for financial help and know that if they expressed doubts they would be cut off no questions asked.

    Your thoughts?

    Ignored One.

  • Piph

    *holding up my hand*

    I'm just hanging on until after my wedding (in a couple of months). Then we're going to start the fade...

    Everybody do the Fade! *does a funny dance and tries to disappear behind a curtain*

  • SisterLiz

    Piph, I did exactly that. I was in the Spanish congregation. I got married I think because we felt all we had was eachother. We felt the same way about the JW's, we both wanted out so it somehow led to our going out together and eventually getting married. Right after our marriage, we "moved" to the English congregation, but never really went. We tapered off our attendance little by little. The Spanish elders eventually caught on and came to visit us but after a few visits realized it was futile. Now we're divorced and I'm LIVING IN SIN with a worldy man whom I completely adore. Long Live Freedom. Good luck, I hope you break free successfully.

  • Analysis

    If you are married to a true believer and 90% of your friends and family are in; it is not that easy to mail in your DA letter.

  • SisterLiz

    I completely and totally agree, it's near impossible. That's their trump card I think. You're cut off from the world in a sense. The only people in your life are JW's, if you leave you're all alone, literally. You have to be a really strong person to be able to handle that. I've seen so many cases of people who leave, then come crawling back. They say it's because they faltered and now realize that this is the truth bla bla bla...but the truth is that they're alone and can't cope with that. Being free of an all consuming lie is worth the loneliness.

  • happyout

    I kew I wanted out for at least 4 years before I started my fade. Fortunately, after one token visit, I never got any "shepherding" calls.


  • anglise

    Hi ignored_one

    I think there are probably a lot who would be out if there wasnt such a high price to pay with the potential loss of family, friends and maybe even marriage and job.

    As someone posted a thread recently to the effect that "They get new ones due to logic and then keep them with emotional blackmail"

    Equally there might also be some who would go back if the rules where less rigid.


    BTW is that picture you or Bill Bailey

  • acsot

    I want out, and am biding my time until (this is awful to say) my mother passes away. I am the link between her and the visits she receives from the dubs, and they all think I'm still in good standing (it helps to speak more than one language - one hall thinks you're at the other hall, and vice versa).

    It's like counting hours in field service - if there were suddenly no more service reports to hand in, how many would continue banging on people's doors? If it wasn't for the shunning and isolation, how many would leave?

  • l3gi0n

    My wife wants out, she wont admit it, but i know. She is trying to get reinstated, but i know if it were not for the fact her family has cut her off, and all the years of programing she would not care.

  • ignored_one


    It's Bill. My favourite comedian. :)

    Ignored One.

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