elders have revealed confidential matters to their wives or others in the c

by garybuss 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gadget

    When I was married I was distantly related through marraige to an elder in a cong about 30 miles away.

    A year or two after the divorce I made quite a few friends in the hall the elder was in and he wasn't happy about it. He made official calls on the parents of all my friends who still lived at home(Most of them at the time) and told their parents all the stories about what had happened during the split. Some of what he told was true, but a lot was false. He only knew what he did because my exmother-in-law had confided in him as an elder.

    I went to see him about it, he admited in front of another brother that he had approached the families but could see no harm in it.

    Before I'd got home I got a phone call from my book study conductor asking me to meet him to discuss a complaint about my conduct that the said elder had just phoned him about. When I met with the local elders they had a go at me about what the other elder had said, but after I told them the full story they backed me up and went to see the other elder about it.


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