elders have revealed confidential matters to their wives or others in the c

by garybuss 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    Elders meet Scriptural requirements before being 'appointed by holy spirit.' Knowing this will strengthen your confidence
    in them. What you discuss with an elder will remain strictly confidential. Being trustworthy is one of his qualifications.
    (The Watchtower, March 1, 1997, p. 28)

    "Note: Reports have been received where elders have revealed confidential matters to their wives or others in the congregation."
    (Pay Attention 1977 p.65)

    "Sadly, in recent times it has been necessary to disfellowship tens of thousands of unrepentant wrongdoers each year.
    Prominent elders have been included among them."
    (Proclaimers, WTBTS 1993, p. 187)


  • garybuss

    "The congregation judicial committee should not spy into the personal,

    private family affairs of others; but" . . .

    (Kingdom Ministry, September, 1973 p.8)

  • Maverick

    I took not telling my wife anything seriously, but as a rule elders wives run the show and know everything that is going on including field service time and JC meetings. Many brothers I knew asked their wives to translate the action of the sisters and took action according to their counsel. Maverick

  • garybuss

    I was never an elder Maverick, After I read these quotes, I was glad I never have any confessions to them. All this, by nature, seems so . . . . human. All the divine guidance claims seem to come from the publishing corporation level.

  • Maverick

    I would often use what my wife told me to determine which brothers could be trusted with confidential stuff. She would tell me the lastest gossip from that mornings field service and I then could figure out who leaked the information. With a little detective work it was easy to see who has yaking to Mama! And whenever we moved, or were sent to a new Hall, I was always shocked, at first, by who the rats turned out to be. They tended to be the ones that seemed the most caring and loving brothers. The ones you would be drawn to confide in! Maverick

  • blondie

    The problem with confidentiality on the elder body is that it only takes one brother with loose lips. All the other elders can be keeping their wives out of the loop but if Brother LooseLips tells his wife, Sister LooseLips.....

    Another problem is the elder who thinks he can tell Brother UpAndComingMS because he is a man and almost an elder.

    I said I would rather get up on the stage at the meeting and tell everybody at the same time so everyone had the same information. So I never tell anybody anything I wouldn't want announced on CNN.


  • undercover
    Another problem is the elder who thinks he can tell Brother UpAndComingMS because he is a man and almost an elder.

    That's how I knew what was always going on in our cong. I was an MS, one that some of the elders thought well of. So in when in service, elders invariably would tell me things that they shouldn't. I knew who was getting DF'd and why. I knew who was having marital problems and why(usually infidelity). I knew whose kids were getting busted by the cops. Etc, etc. After being deleted as an MS, I never knew what was going on anymore and actually preferred it that way. All that other stuff was none of my business and it was never upbuilding to hear it. Even before I started having serious doubts and doing the fade, I was glad that I was out of that loop.

  • Hamas

    I remember this one elder telling his wife everything ; and she was gossip queen of the congregation.

    Once, we were stupid enough to tell this guy something in confidence ; next thing you knew it was doing the rounds within the congregation.

  • GermanXJW

    An elder in one of my congregations had a device so that his wife could listen to phone calls he made and received. After someone noticed his wife's knowledge he admitted but nothing happened.

  • SisterLiz

    My "best friend" growing up in the congregation was the daughter of an elder. This made her popular among people our age, and it also meant I got the inside scoop on everything. She somehow seemed to know everything that was going on, and sometimes actually went through her dad's papers to know more, and of course she had a really big mouth.......

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