What are you doing to preach the "good news" to your neighbors?

by mizpah 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cruzanheart

    I've preached to all my neighbors about the good news that I'm no longer a Jehovah's Witness. It has been a cause for great rejoicing and invitations to birthday parties.


  • ClassAvenger

    I preach to my JW friends on how they are wrong, if you think about it long enough, i am attacking them. But my goal is to show them the truth on the Watchtower, their errors. Most of these I get off webpages, but they always tell me that they are full of apostates, and that everything is fake, and all this stuff. They won't believe me until I get a book of theirs to show them, but I don't have any.

  • Maverick

    I grew my hair long and all my customers ask me about it. I tell them it is in protest to the duds! Then I explain all the crap about the mind control cult! Since these people have known me for years they seem to respect what I have to say and then many of them share their dud stories! I explain to them the the duds are not christian and their masters usurp Jesus position. This usually raises some eyebrows. Maybe I should turn in my time to the PO of my old cong. I think I'll write letter to old Elmer Fudd and tell him the Good News! Maverick

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