Hail Satan

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  • czarofmischief

    Satan has three aspects.

    Power - the warrior against the Throne's tyranny, the will to choose one's own destiny. the rejection of natural authority of others, though not necessarily ALL authority. Rather, authority must prove itself worthy of allegiance. Use of violence is acceptable.

    Wisdom - the Lightbringer, the Promethean wresting fire from the jealous gods, inventor of writing, smithying, and music. The acceptance of the consequences of one's actions. Violence is not always the WISEST course.

    Joy - the seeking of pleasure, hedonism, use of one's own body as one sees fit. Appreciation of beauty, seeking of physical and social self-improvement. Violence might not be the path to TRUE joy, though the complete rejection of violence as a way of life will lead others to dominate you - taking you back to POWER.

    Start with the one you have the least of, then the others will adapt to fit.

    You can't worship Satan, but you can imitate him.


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