Release regarding Father's Touch short film....

by morrisamb 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • morrisamb

    I believe this might have been sent to me in response to my post here about the short film. The person(s) then went to my web site and sent this to me through my email address there...does someone understand this? Is it spanish? Translation?

    From: investigador investigador

    Subject: ¡ La WatchTower es la bestia de Apo.13:11-18 !

    ¡ La W.T. es la bestia de Apo.13:11-18 !

    La W.T. fue fundada en los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica,
    empezo siendo un pequeño grupo de estudiosos de la Biblia
    y hoy es una poderosa organizacion multinacional. Mediante
    sus publicaciones se declara Profeta de Dios. Si
    apoyamos a la W.T. estamos dando apoyo a la Gran
    Potencia. (Apo.13:11-15)

    Sujeta a personas de todas las naciones mediante el
    juramento al que todo aspirante a Testigo de Jehova
    responde con dos SI en la ceremonia previa al bautismo.

    Controla los pensamientos (marca en la frente) y las
    acciones (marca en la mano) de millones de personas.

    Hace de sus miembros Compradores y Vendedores de sus
    publicaciones, principalmente de la publicacion que lleva el
    nombre de la organizacion (numero de su nombre).

    WatchTower es un simbolo esoterico utilizado por
    Rosacruces, Masones y otros grupos ocultistas, es algo
    inmundo. (Apo.13:18).

    Las falsas profecias relacionadas con las fechas
    1874, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975 la denuncian como Falso
    Profeta. (Deu.18:22, Apo.16:13, 19:20)

    ¡ No la apoye ! , ¡ Salga de ella !

    [email protected]

    Charla con tus amigos en línea mediante MSN Messenger:


    This is great news Morrislamb.

    I have checked out the website, and went through most of it. Lots to take in.

    Anyways, I think I may have sent you an e-mail via that forum, or the publisher, not entirely certain.

    Keep us posted.

    Best wishes,

  • Vanant

    morrisamb, this is in Spanish. Here is my translation.

    The Watchtower is the Beast of Rev. 13:11-18!

    The WT, founded in the USA, started as a small group of Bible students, and is now a powerful international organization. Through their publications, they declare themselves to be the Prophet of God. If we support the WT, we are supporting the Great Power. (Rev. 13:11-15)

    It binds people of all the nations through the oath that all wishing to become Jehovah's Witnesses respond with two "yes"s in the ceremony preceeding baptism. (Rev. 13:16a)

    It controls the thoughts (mark on the forehead) and the actions (mark on the hand) of millions of people. (Rev. 13:16b)

    It makes its members buy and sell its publications, which mostly carry the name of the organization (the number of his name). (Rev. 13:17)

    Watchtower is an esoteric symbol used by the Rosicrucians, Masons, and other occult groups, and is a filthy thing. (Rev. 13:18)

    The false prophecies related to the dates 1874, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975 denounce it as a False Prophet. (Deu. 18:22, Rev. 16:13, 19:20)

    Don't support it! Leave her!

  • morrisamb

    Vanant, thank you very much for the translation from Spanish. I wonder why people think it's okay to send such an email with no introduction and no other information. My mother is a Witness and she lives with me. And if people read the information on my web site where this email was sent to, my focus is victims of sexual or physical abuse.

    Strange how some people go from unsolicited proselytizing of one belief to preaching "another"

    I wish I could have a voice put on my web site, you know the blond character from Mad TV, who goes "La La La La" everytime someone says something she doesn't want to hear.

    I grew up reading and studying the Bible. I don't need someone telling me what it says anymore.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I grew up reading and studying the Bible. I don't need someone telling me what it says anymore.

    No kidding. I saw Revelation and I bailed out; didn't even the translation. I think we need this little emoticon wherever we go:

    I think of that sometimes. Nothing gives me tired head faster than someone spouting religion. Like you morrisamb, it's been there done that. I've put in my time, I've been paroled and I ain't going back.

  • hawkaw


    Well done as usual!!!


  • morrisamb

    As always Big Tex and Hawkaw, you are always so supportive..much appreciated!

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