Release regarding Father's Touch short film....

by morrisamb 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • morrisamb

    Father’s Touch the film. This 3 minute and 30 second short film will explore the haunting images found within Donald D’Haene’s writing. telling a complete story in flashbacks, real time images, and real time action.

    Produced by PHAT PUPPY Productions, directed by Louise Fagan, the film project tells the story of a man, forty-ish, re-visiting his past - physically and in memory. Shot in the cusp of spring, the flashbacks occur in later spring/early summer. The dynamic offerings of the accompanying original music composition (Jonathon Fagan) supports the visual experience. . The emphasis is on camera techniques (Charlie Egleston cinematographer, Joel Richardson camera) as opposed to post-production effects. We are telling this story without words; action, music accompaniment and effective camera work will be our storytelling tools. The stellar company of actors, including D’Haene, portray the ghost-like figures from D’Haene’s past, with moving conviction. (Actors: Deborah Mitchell, Paul Myers, Nathaniel Wise, Max Van Den Drieschen, Donald D’Haene). For more information, visit A short clip of this film will be uploaded in the very near future. Expected release date: October 2003

  • acsot

    Wow, that's wonderful! How will we be able to see it?

  • morrisamb

    Thanks for asking...well, the film will be submitted to festivals and the producer's hope it will be shown on tv at some point.

    Meanwhile, they will be providing me a clip that you can see on my web site in the near future.

  • Brummie

    Morrisamb, this is great news and hopefully will spark off interest for a full length film.

    How does it affect you to see this stuff? It must bring bad feelings to the surface? Dont answer if you dont feel comfortable with the question.

    All the best matey


  • StinkyPantz

    This sounds great!

  • morrisamb

    Thanks Stinkypanz, and Brummie, don't mind answering at's like watching someone else acting out my life which is weird 'cause I played myself. But the actors portraying my father, mother, and me as a 4 year old and teenager are actually ghosts of my that was freaky, watching real live ghosts of my past!

  • Brummie

    Thanks morrisamb, I understand how it must be like watching someone elses life. Yes it must have been freaky watching them act in your parents role.

    I will keep an eye on your web page for the update.

    Thanks again.


  • ignored_one

    This is great news.

    What about the Sundance festival?

    Ignored One.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    What about the Sundance festival?

    Hey great idea IG. I'm sure this film would be right up their alley.

    Congrats morrisamb, this sounds really interesting. Now it's going to be released in October, do you know where or what venue it will be released?

  • morrisamb

    Thanks for the support guys....

    Hey ignored one - you are not ignored here...yes, Sundance has been contacted and we've downloaded their entry is a possibility.

    And Big Tex, having seen the quality of the filming and music, I know it's going to be something. I am on the team of publicizing this so I'll have first access to info. on where this can be seen... of course, I'll let you all know here...meanwhile, I'll also let you know when I have a clip on my web site!!!

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