What's The Most Ridiculous Thing Taught or Believed By Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    That following the directions of the elders is pleasing to Jehovah God

  • PurpleV

    That it's our fault if we misinterpreted the WTs statements to the effect that Armageddon would be in 1975

  • Swan

    dmouse posted an Questions from readers that I thought was excellent! Thank you dmouse. The Society's answers only bring up further questions to undermine their own beliefs.

    It is understandable that this question might arise, for as things stand now many animals do kill one another for food. But please note that this is as things stand now. Is there anyone on the earth who can say from personal observation how these animals acted six thousand years ago?

    Throughout the earth humans kill animals and eat their flesh. But does man’s ability to chew and digest meat prove that all men eat meat or that men have always eaten meat? No, for God’s Word, the oldest and most reliable history of mankind, shows that originally Jehovah gave man "all vegetation bearing seed" and "every tree on which there is the a fruit of a tree bearing seed" as food. It was not until over sixteen hundred years later that God permitted a change of diet for man, allowing him to hunt animals for food.—Gen. 1:29; 9:2, 3.

    True, those who believe that man and animals evolved over a period of millions of years might not accept this, but it is what the Word of God says, and Jesus Christ said, "Your word is truth." (John 17:17) If the present diet and mode of life of humans does not represent what it originally was, is it not possible that the same is true of animals?

    This is such a contradiction! Man and animals can evolve to become carnivores over the past 6000 years of creation, but people who believe it happened over a period of millions of years are not accepting the truth.

    Another thing, is one justified in concluding that the way an animal uses its body today is the only possible way? As an example, a tiger uses its fangs and claws to catch, kill and tear apart other animals. Yet, could not these same fangs and claws be used in tearing apart heavy vegetation and ripping off husks and shells?

    Now they are saying they didn't change and that God designed them poorly. They a perfect lawn-mowing machines, but after the machete their way through the jungle, they still don't explain how the poor beasts actually chew and digest their food.

    ‘But what about poisonous snakes?’ someone may ask. Animal poisons might appear to be just for killing or protection, but are they? In "Animal Poisoners" H. Munro Fox wrote: "In some cases we know that poisons play a role in the functioning of the body of the animal which manufactures them. In many instances this may be the real raison d’être [reason for existence] of the venoms, quite apart from any protective value. The poisonous spittle of snakes, for example, has work to do in the digestion of the snake’s food." Another illustration is a certain green marine worm that is partly covered with a poisonous slime. Is this poison to protect it from being eaten? It might seem so. Yet if the young of this worm settle on this slime, the poison changes them into microscopic males instead of the large females they would have developed into if they settled on the sea floor.

    Here they are admitting that transsexuality is natural process and there is no choice in the matter for these creatures. It's just chance and happenstance as to where they settle and what sex they become.

    It is true that hundreds or even thousands of problem cases might be brought up, ones that apparently indicate that animals always killed one another, that this is necessary for the "balance of nature." But should our lack of complete knowledge of God’s creation cause us to lose faith in him and his Word? Should we let questions about preying animals prey on us?

    How is observing claws, fangs, short digestive tracts, and poisonous body fluids of animals of prey lack of complete knowledge? These are "hundreds or even thousands of problem cases" commonly observable by everyday people like me, not just the biologists. So they are telling us to ignore what we see and not worry about the overwhelming evidence.

    The Bible explains that in the paradise in Eden God gave to "every wild beast of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens . . . all green vegetation for food." (Gen. 1:30) Later all of the basic kinds of land animals lived in Noah’s ark for a whole year without devouring one another. And evidently drawing on the conditions that existed in Eden and that will be restored in the future, God’s Word says: "The cow and the bear themselves will feed; together their young ones will lie down. And even the lion will eat straw just like the bull. And the sucking child will certainly play upon the hole of the cobra . . . They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain."—Isa. 11:7-9.

    So now they are explaining one myth with another one.

    Surely the grand Creator who made the heavens and all that is in them, who arranged the perfect balance and order of the stars and who knows how harmony and peace existed in Eden, can restore paradise conditions. Bringing about a "balance of nature" wherein animals do not kill one another is not beyond His ability, is it? So, let us look forward to that time with confidence and trust.

    Actually, there is a lot of evidence that there is great chaos in the universe. Stars are not in perfect balance, but only appear that way from the limited exposure we have to view them when we go out on our porch and look up at them at night. Upon closer examination astronomers are finding many more anomalies and cataclysmic events all the time.



  • obiwan

    Satan controls everything, ie dateline ya now the whole crew,director......please just shoot me now!

  • sxybrwneyes

    That JW's are the only true christians, and every other chrisitan is a false christian and will die at armageddon.

    Saying "happy birthday" and having birthday cake is bad but its o.k. to have wedding cake and celebrate anniversarys.

    Its bad to have a full time job. You should work pt and pioneer

  • MrsQ
    What about the act of putting in a field service report? Counting every minute given to Jehovah, making sure that you know the difference between a return visit and a Bible study, making sure you follow the dictates of the "slave" by turning in the reports no later than the 6th, and that includes your Bible Study report. JW's teach that we HAVE to turn in a report. Where does it say that in the Bible???

    This SLAYS me! I mean, seriously, the ENTIRE STRUCTURE OF THE ORGANIZATION--the printing of tons of literature (aka, stuff we need to HELP US READ THE BIBLE), five sales meetings a week, a 'school' to make people learn how to talk in front of large groups, counting time and submitting reports, counting literature placements, and submitting reports--ALL OF IT--IS A COMPLETE FABRICATION WITH ABSOLUTELY NO SCRIPTURAL BASIS.



  • acsot

    Swan: I was going to mention the same thing regarding carnivorous animals.

    The Bible explains that in the paradise in Eden God gave to "every wild beast of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens . . . all green vegetation for food." (Gen. 1:30) Later all of the basic kinds of land animals lived in Noah’s ark for a whole year without devouring one another. And evidently drawing on the conditions that existed in Eden and that will be restored in the future, God’s Word says: "The cow and the bear themselves will feed; together their young ones will lie down. And even the lion will eat straw just like the bull. And the sucking child will certainly play upon the hole of the cobra . . . They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain."—Isa. 11:7-9.

    Basically telling the R&F that the GB hasn't the foggiest idea about anything, but that these myths are real and you just better believe it! They dug themselves into such a hole over nothing when they came up with the gem that all animals were vegetarians that now of course they have to save face (once again) and accuse anyone who sees the evidence as disproving their outlandish claims as lacking faith in Jehovah.

  • minimus

    The Society wants its publishers to be Stepford families. Don't question. Take orders. Never complain......UNREAL!

  • SisterLiz

    1. The end is coming. AAAAAHHHHHHH! Help, I'm gonna die!

  • stillajwexelder

    Read the parable of the prodigal son --- while he was a long way off his father cuaght sight of him and ran to greet him -- threw a party etc - killed the fatted calf.

    Now what happens when someone wants to be reinstated---- while he was a long way off the person had to approach the judicial committee that dfd him -- and was told wait another six months and attend all the meetings with nobody talking to you then we will hold another jc to really see if you really are repentant and then nobody will be allowed to clap never mind kill the fatted calf and all the while there will still be restrictions ------ this is so outrageously anti-scriptural it was the key reason for me resigning as an elder- THIS IS THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING TAUGHT/BELIEVED BY JWs -- beacuse it is so blatantly anti-scriptural.

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