Ozzie's Weekend Poll #56

by ozziepost 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G’day all,

    How’s your weekend going? Some of our regular contributors, like Englishman and Mulan, are away on vacatiion, but for us, that’s all over! Here downunder the mid-winter sun has been shining and Mrs Ozzie and I are enjoying some rest. (Why is it you have to rest after some R&R?) Our thoughts are very positive right now and we hope that’s the same with you.

    How about spending a few moments in reminiscing? It could be illuminating!

    The weekend polls failed to appear for a few weeks owing to "technical difficulties", but we hope that we’re back in the usual routine now.

    Which word (expression) is used the most at a Dub meeting?
    1. Jehovah.
    2. Jesus.
    3. Organisation
    4. Holy spirit
    5. Elders
    6. Bethel
    7. Armageddon
    8. Paradise
    9. Millenium
    10. 1914
    11. soon
    12. loyally
    13. obedience
    14. governing body
    15. the Truth
    16. committee
    17. Kingdom Hall
    18. Assemblies/Conventions
    19. Five meetings
    20. Zealous
    21. Unity
    22. Worldwide
    23. Other (please detail)

    24. As always, we’re looking forward to reading your replies. Enjoy.

      Cheers, Ozzie

      "We don’t want to forget, but we mustn’t let our memories lead us into negativism." – Otto Frank (quoted in the book "Anne Frank, The Biography" by Melissa Muller)

  • plmkrzy

    OZZIE HI!!! ((HUGS!)) gotta go now

  • kelpie

    Hi Mr and Mrs Ozzie

    I think definately

    #3 - organisation

    #1 - Jehovah

    #15 - the truth


    About time Ozzie.........too much time away if you ask me!

    Soooooooo good to have you back!

    Good to hear you and mrs are feeling happy.




    And I thought of CHRISTENDOM......................used alot.

  • Gopher

    Probably "the truth" and "Jehovah".

    Both of those expressions, by the way, really are intended to refer to or inspire confidence in "the organization". In other words, they're just "catch phrases".

  • blondie

    Some stats from the 2001 KMs. I use the KMs when trying to see what are the buzzwords in the WTS that year.

    415 Jehovah.

    111 Jesus. (Jehovah is mentioned 4 times to Jesus 1 time)

    38 Organisation

    39 Holy spirit

    80 Elders

    7 Bethel (rarely unless special article in KM (add 64 for 2001)

    2 Armageddon

    18 Paradise

    0 Millenium (last mention in 2000)

    Or Thousand Year Reign (in WT 2001/3; WT 2000/12; WT 1999/48)

    2 1914 (not mentioned in KM again until 1995)(replaced in popularity by 1919 especially in book study)

    26 soon

    4 loyally

    15 obedience

    4 governing body (see FDS below)

    37 the Truth

    7 committee

    28 Kingdom Hall

    146 Assemblies/Conventions (mostly when covered the KM articles)

    2 Five meetings ( the brothers in my congregation made sure to mention "all five meetings" at least twice at every meeting)

    143 Meetings

    15 Zealous

    29 Unity

    19 Worldwide

    Other (please detail)

    18 FDS

  • Shakita

    Hi Mr. and Mrs. Ozzie!

    Why is it you have to rest after some R&R?)

    Tell me about it! Just got back from vacation ourselves last night, and am I glad to be home! I think I will need a few days of rest to recuperate from the thousand-plus mile drive to DisneyWorld and back. That is not a fun drive! The Beltway around Washington, DC is a killer. DisneyWorld in Florida in July can be compared to Hell in many ways.....Intensely HOT, packed with crazy people standing in immensely long lines winding around and around like cattle being herded into a slaughterhouse, children crying because Mommy and Daddy are taking them on a ride that no sane adult would ride on, and to buy a bottle of water you have to sell your first born male child.....but, all in all, we had a really great time!!!!!! I highly recommend the "Aerosmith's Rock and Roller Coaster"....great coaster, not for the faint-hearted.

    and back to the question: Jehovah, meetings, organization.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Kenneson

    Hi Mr. & Mrs. Ozzie,

    Glad you are back, all refreshed and ready to get back in the swing of things. I have missed your polls. In answer to your current one, I would say:

    1. Jehovah

    2. Watchtower literature

    3. attending meetings

    4. the good news of the kingdom

    5. the truth

  • gumby

    Hey Ozzmeister,

    Looks like the folks thought you were asking for word(s) instead of ' word' as many have stated more than one.

    I'll go with,

    1) Jehovah. I suppose the opening and closing prayers contain that name more than the rest of the entire meeting!


  • Joyzabel

    WB Ozzie & Mrs Ozzie,

    LOL, looks like our in-house WT researcher has listed with the amonts the words used by the WTBTS,

    Now, the question I would like to add to this poll is, which words would you most cringe at after you knew "the truth about the troof" and were still attending meetings?


    Faithful & Discreet Slave

    Governing Body

    Good News of the Kingdom

    just my 2 cents.


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