Are the British Smelly?

by refiners fire 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Now of course, I, being British myself by birth do not believe the British are smelly or dirty, however, I must tell our British brothers that there is a RECURRING STEREOTYPE about the Englishman that is held by Australians. They pull it out of the hat like a white rabbit, constantly. it is this:

    "Poms only have a bath once a week. so they are dirty"

    English brethren. firstly- is it TRUE you only Bathe once a week? Secondly- is it so that you stink?

    Like I say, I lived in England myself for 10 years and I never noticed a smelly pom that I can remember.

    (This post is actually for the education of a chat bud here in oz who just uttered the "poms only bathe once a week" stereotype) ((joke thread people))

  • talesin

    sounds like the americans and their "british all have bad teeth" thing. what, no cosmetic dentistry in britain?

    those durn aussies, showering constantly they are!

    RAYZORBLADE defense of the poor English, I can finally vouch for them.

    Yes, they take baths, and yes even showers, sometimes more than once a day.

    When I was in Scotland, good grief, they were washing like there was no tomorrow.

    As for Canucks: we are surrounded by so much damn water, all we can do is wash-wash-wash and do more washing of everything and everybody.

    And no, we do not smell like fireweed.

  • smurfette

    I have a few Brits as friends and they seem well groomed to me. Nope I've definitley never noticed any stink among them, although my Irish grandma would probably not second that opinion.

  • Prisca

    Do Poms stink?

    Well, the last time I saw RF take a shower was over a week ago; the time before that was 2 weeks previous. Therefore, this is irrevocable proof that Poms such as RF don't take baths or showers more than once a week.

  • Robdar

    Yes and we can smell them all the way across The Pond. P.U.



    Prisca, that was too funny!

    You're crackin' tonight/this morning/evening...geez...all these time zones to consider.

    LMAO @ Prisca's comment to RF.

  • Englishman

    Re the teeth thing it's not totally without foundation. I've just had a crown replaced after enduring a gappy smile for a couple of weeks. So I started to notice the teeth of my fellow countrymen because I was feeling so self-conscious with my own crooked grin. I noticed that the smokers don't bother to care for their teeth much. I think it's because, as smoking stains them so much, they just don't bother to maintain them at all because they think it's not worth it as they are such a horrible colour anyway.

    None so pure as the purified!


  • ISP

    I think you will get a distribution of smelly people in UK as in the US. My teeth are not bad. But there seems a fixation with fluoride these days which is not healthy IMO.


  • talesin

    actually, I think it's the fact that UK actors look like real people and don't have the 'movie star' cosmetic smiles that most US actors have so the perception is that .... brits don't care for their teeth.

    we can't all have a $10,000 Tom Cruise smile. I say, vive la difference!

    ps. love the brit flicks. monty python RULES!!!! also anything comin' out of Ireland (mike figgis, suzie whatshername, etc.)

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