My Mother the Classic ETERNAL Witness

by unique1 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unique1

    Her ever loving text and comment sent to me every morning, included the following this morning. It is just so ignorant that I almost can't stand it. Obviously it is a subliminal message about my non-attendance of meetings, but I had to VENT and Share because she really just pisses me off.

    Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry you off as his prey

    through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of

    men. - Col. 2:8

    Paul sounded that warning because he sensed a real danger lurking behind

    the thinking of those attracted by the world. The word "philosophy"

    literally means "the love and pursuit of wisdom." That in itself may be

    beneficial. In fact, the Bible, particularly in the book of Proverbs,

    encourages the pursuit of the right kind of knowledge and wisdom. (Prov.

    1:1-7; 3:13-18) Paul, however, coupled "philosophy" with "empty

    deception." In other words, Paul viewed the wisdom that the world had to

    offer as empty and deceptive. Like an inflated balloon, it had the

    appearance of solidity, but there was no substance to it. It would

    certainly be futile, even disastrous, to base one's of right and wrong on

    something as insubstantial as "the philosophy and empty deception" of the

    world. w 8/1/01 6, 7

    Comment: Today the world is filled with different types of philosophy. It

    has some good points but none of it can stand to the wisdom Jehovah tells

    us to apply. The knowledge and understanding we gain from study of the

    Bible is the most valuable knowledge we can attain. It gives us

    information on how to properly live our lives and offers a grand hope for

    everlasting life in peace. When we misapply that council is when we get in

    trouble. For example, our council in the Bible is not to be owing anything

    but love. Well, because we did not apply that council we are in financial

    trouble. NO MORE CREDIT!! I also know of a brother who pioneered for

    years and went to Bethel for 4 years and decided to go to college. What

    did he major in? Philosophy! He is no longer in the truth. He stopped

    attending meetings, studying, and has gotten married out of the truth. I

    saw him before he got married and spoke to him about my concerns. He told

    me he wasn't going to do anything to cause the Big D

    (disfellowshipping). How disrespectful! He has made his choice whether he

    is disfellowshipped or not, Jehovah is his judge. Let us all apply wisdom

    from Jehovah!

  • worldlygirl

    ...and the moral of the story is "Bad people go to college and Jehovah will kill them even if we can't figure out a way to get rid of them on a technicality."

  • Nikita

    I am so glad that I don't receive gems like that from my family!


  • cat1759


    Email is so great! Unfortunetly in the wrong hands it becomes a nuisance. My mom bless her heart torn soul is 800 miles and the only communication is through email.

    For a daily read of this becomes nerve racking. My mom stopped doing this to me when I asked her if Angels had sex in heaven? She is still looking up the answer for me. Now we keep to the hello's, what you doing conversation. I agree not as much fun but hey my feelings no longer get hurt.


  • expatbrit

    Perhaps it's time to start replying with the "apostate text of the day" selected from all the material on the web.


  • unique1

    Expatbrit: Funny.

    Cat: Maybe I will try that one. She will probably think I am just being plain silly and ignore it. My mom, in case you can't tell is a bit of a psycho.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Yikes I think I prefer the silence I get from mine

  • GentlyFeral


    Perhaps it's time to start replying with the "apostate text of the day" selected from all the material on the web.

    Me! Me! I'll get right on it!


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    The short and sweet message is "be scared, you're gonna be fresh outta luck if you don't take steps"

    It's like the news on the commercial channels.

    Anyone seen Bowling for Columbine ?

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