Convention Concessions

by Euphemism 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Euphemism

    Here's a question for you all... why does the Society insist that all concession stands be closed at their convention facilities?

    I can understand that back when they provided their own food service, they would not want the competition. (And in all fairness, their service was undoubtedly cheaper for the friends, many of whom have limited funds.) But now that they've ended that... why force everyone to bring food? Why not let those who can afford it enjoy the convenience of a concession stand in the convention facility?

  • undercover

    I'm gonna guess(and it's only a guess);

    The city would probably want to have the concessions open the entire day. This would cause a distraction during the sessions as people would go get a hot dog or popcorn during the talk on apostates instead of listening. If the city agreed to have the concessions open only during the breaks, then I don't see a problem with it myself(other than you've got "worldly" people mixing in with "true worshippers").

    Another guess is that maybe the WTS gets a break on the rental by not having to have the concession stands in use for those days thus the concession employees are not in use, saving the city money on the salaries that would have been paid.

    One other guess(more on the conspiracy end) is to keep tighter control on what the dubs do with their money during the day. If they bring a cheap lunch then they've got more money to drop in the contribution box.

  • Elsewhere

    It's simple... because every dollar that went to buying something from a vendor would be a dollar that did not go to the WTS donation box.

  • czarofmischief

    They claim that its because it would create a "worldly" presence and atmosphere at a convention. My natural response was, "Well, aren't we supposed to have these things so that anyone who wants to can come drink from life's water free?"

    Stupid WT.


  • Euphemism

    Yeah, czar... you'd think that the concession people would get a great witness from seeing the peaceful spiritual paradise of the dubs, right?

    Undercover... great guesses. Your first guess seems like the most likely one to me. Although the more conspiratorial theory is always a possibility, of course...

  • garybuss

    It has to do with control. They have to be able to control everybody and everything and they can not control the food contractors. Here the food concessions are bid to the city and the contractor offering the highest return to the city gets the site. The food concessions are a profit point to the city as well as to the operators who bid, or pay for the space.

    I think also the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation can't stand seeing anybody else making money from the Witness people. GaryB

  • teenyuck

    One year at Hawthorne Race Track in Chicago (Harness Racing) for the summer convention, my uncle was in charge of the sandwich concession stand. It was grilled beef sandwiches (a Chicago favorite) and french fries. He invited the whole family to participate. We got out of sitting all day.

    The only problem occured when we started the concession on fire and the fire department had to come in. Since it was an indoor concession, the sprinklers went off and all the food in our area was ruined. Not to mention that we had to go back and sit and listen for the remaining day. (the fire occured on day 3 of a 4 dayer)

    That was great. Getting greasy, eating all day and not having to pay attention to them or the flock!

    My uncle never got concessions again. (this was in about 1980)

  • freedom96

    Some of these convention sites will actually charge for not letting the food stands stay open. I know for a fact that some facilities will charge big money if they are not allowed to sell beer.

    I would imagine for the witnesses, it is a control factor, and they made more money when they sold the food, and now they don't want needless money going to the vendors instead of their own pockets.

  • Nikita

    They took away the infamous concessions???

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    It's simple... because every dollar that went to buying something from a vendor would be a dollar that did not go to the WTS donation box.

    Not for me. I'd just use that money to buy more video games.

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